Birds beginning with H
Fish beginning with H
Reptiles beginning with H
Mammals that start with H
Haggard's leaf-eared mouse
Haig's tuco-tuco
Hainan gymnure
Hainan hare
hairless bat
hairy big-eared bat
hairy big-eyed bat
hairy fruit-eating bat
hairy harvest mouse
hairy little fruit bat
hairy long-nosed armadillo
hairy slit-faced bat
hairy spiny rat
hairy yellow-shouldered bat
hairy-eared cerrado mouse
hairy-eared dwarf lemur
hairy-faced bat
hairy-footed dunnart
hairy-footed flying squirrel
hairy-footed gerbil
hairy-legged myotis
hairy-legged vampire bat
hairy-nosed otter
hairy-tailed bolo mouse
hairy-tailed mole
hairy-winged bat
Haitian nesophontes
halcyon horseshoe bat
Halmahera blossom bat
hamadryas baboon
Hamilton's tomb bat
hammer-headed fruit bat
Hammond's rice rat
Handley's nectar bat
Handley's slender mouse opossum
Handley's tailless bat
Hantu water shrew
Hanuman langur
harbor porpoise
harbor seal
Hardwicke's woolly bat
Harenna shrew
harlequin bat
harmless serotine
harpy fruit bat
Harrington's gerbil
Harrington's rat
Harris's antelope squirrel
Harris's olingo
Harris's rice water rat
Hartweg's soft-furred mouse
Harvey's duiker
Harwood's gerbil
Hastings River mouse
Hatt's vesper rat
Hausa mouse
haussa genet
Hawaiian monk seal
Hayman's dwarf epauletted fruit bat
hazel dormouse
heart-nosed bat
heath rat
heather shrew
heavenly hill rat
Heaviside's dolphin
Hector's beaked whale
Hector's dolphin
Heermann's kangaroo rat
Heinrich's hill rat
Heller's broad-nosed bat
Hellwald's spiny rat
Hendee's spiny rat
Heptner's pygmy jerboa
Hershkovitz's grass mouse
highland brush mouse
highland gerbil mouse
highland grass mouse
highland shrew
highland small rice rat
highland tuco-tuco
highland yellow-shouldered bat
highveld gerbil
Hildebrandt's horseshoe bat
Hildegarde's broad-headed mouse
Hildegarde's shrew
Hildegarde's tomb bat
hill wallaroo
Hill's tomb bat
Himalayan field mouse
Himalayan field rat
Himalayan marmot
Himalayan mole
Himalayan pika
Himalayan shrew
Himalayan striped squirrel
Himalayan tahr
Himalayan water shrew
Himalayan whiskered bat
Hinde's rock rat
Hispaniolan edible rat
Hispaniolan giant hutia
Hispaniolan hutia
Hispaniolan solenodon
hispid cotton rat
hispid hare
hispid hocicudo
hispid pocket gopher
hispid pocket mouse
hoary bamboo rat
hoary bat
hoary fox
hoary marmot
hoary wattled bat
Hodgson's bat
Hodgson's brown-toothed shrew
Hodgson's giant flying squirrel
Hoffmann's two-toed sloth
Hoffmanns's titi
hog badger
hole rat
Honduran fruit-eating bat
Honduran small-eared shrew
honey badger
honey possum
Honshu myotis
hooded seal
hooded skunk
Hoogstraal's gerbil
Hoogstral's striped grass mouse
Hooper's mouse
Hopi chipmunk
Hopkins's groove-toothed swamp rat
horn-skinned bat
horse-tailed squirrel
Horsfield's bat
Horsfield's fruit bat
Horsfield's shrew
Hose's palm civet
Hose's pygmy flying squirrel
Hose's shrew
Hosono's myotis
Hotson's jerboa
Hotson's mouse-like hamster
Hottentot golden mole
hourglass dolphin
house mouse
house rat
Hova rice tenrec
Howell's shrew
Huallaga spiny rat
Hubbs's beaked whale
Hugh's hedgehog
Humboldt's hog-nosed skunk
Hummelinck's vesper mouse
humpback whale
Hun shrew
Huon tree kangaroo
Hutton's tube-nosed bat