Birds beginning with T
Fish beginning with T
Reptiles beginning with T
Mammals that start with T
Taczanowski's oldfield mouse
tailless tenrec
Taiwan big-eared bat
Taiwan brown-toothed shrew
Taiwan field mouse
Taiwan macaque
Taiwan tube-nosed bat
Taiwan vole
Talamancan rice rat
Talamancan small-eared shrew
Talamancan yellow-shouldered bat
Talas tuco-tuco
Talaud fruit bat
Talazac's shrew tenrec
tamarisk jird
Tamaulipan woodrat
Tammar wallaby
Tana river mangabey
Tana river red colobus
Tanala tufted-tailed rat
Tanezumi rat
Tanzanian shrew
Tanzanian woolly bat
Tarabul's gerbil
Tarabundi vole
Tarbagan marmot
Tarfaya shrew
target rat
Tasmanian bettong
Tasmanian pademelon
Tasmanian pygmy possum
Tasmanian wolf or thylacine
Tate's shrew rat
Tate's triok
Tatra pine vole
Tawi-tawi forest rat
tawny tuco-tuco
tawny-bellied cotton rat
Tehuantepec jackrabbit
Telefomin cuscus
telefomin roundleaf bat
Telford's shrew
Temboan shrew
Temchuk's bolo mouse
Temminck's flying squirrel
Temminck's striped mouse
Temminck's tailless fruit bat
Temminck's trident bat
Temotu flying fox
Tenasserim white-bellied rat
tenebrous shrew
tenkile tree kangaroo
tent-making bat
terraced rice rat
Texas antelope squirrel
Texas kangaroo rat
Texas mouse
Texas pocket gopher
Thaeler's pocket gopher
Thailand roundleaf bat
Thalia shrew
Theobald's tomb bat
Theresa's short-tailed opossum
Therese's shrew
thespian grass mouse
thick-eared bat
thick-spined porcupine
thick-tailed pygmy jerboa
thick-tailed three-toed jerboa
thick-thumbed myotis
thin mouse shrew
thin sand rat
thin shrew
thirteen-lined ground squirrel
Thomas's broad-nosed bat
Thomas's flying squirrel
Thomas's giant deer mouse
Thomas's horseshoe bat
Thomas's mosaic-tailed rat
Thomas's nectar bat
Thomas's oldfield mouse
Thomas's pika
Thomas's pine vole
Thomas's pygmy jerboa
Thomas's pygmy mouse
Thomas's rice rat
Thomas's rock rat
Thomas's rope squirrel
Thomas's sac-winged bat
Thomas's shrew tenrec
Thomas's small-eared shrew
Thomas's water mouse
Thomas's yellow-shouldered bat
Thomson's gazelle
Thorold's deer
three-striped dasyure
three-striped ground squirrel
three-striped short-tailed opossum
thumbless bat
Tibetan dwarf hamster
Tibetan fox
Tibetan gazelle
Tibetan shrew
Tickell's bat
Tien Shan ground squirrel
Tien Shan red-backed vole
Tien Shan shrew
Tien Shan vole
Tilda yellow-shouldered bat
Timor deer
Timor rat
Timor roundleaf bat
tinfields rock rat
tiny fat mouse
tiny musk shrew
tiny pipistrelle
tiny tuco-tuco
tiny white-toothed shrew
tiny yellow bat
toad mouse
Togo mole rat
Tokuda's mole
Toltec fruit-eating bat
Tome's spiny rat
Tomes's rice rat
Tomes's sword-nosed bat
Tondano rat
Tonkean macaque
toolache wallaby
topi or tsessebe
toque macaque
Torre's cave rat
Torres's crimson-nosed rat
Townsend's big-eared bat
Townsend's chipmunk
Townsend's ground squirrel
Townsend's mole
Townsend's pocket gopher
Townsend's vole
Transbaikal zokor
Transcaspian vole
Transcaucasian mole vole
Transcaucasian water shrew
Travancore flying squirrel
tree bat
tree pangolin
tree shrew tenrec
trefoil horseshoe bat
trefoil-toothed giant rat
Tres Marias cottontail
Tres Marias Island mouse
Tres Marias raccoon
Trevor's free-tailed bat
trident leaf-nosed bat
Trinidad arboreal rice rat
Trinidad spiny pocket mouse
Trinidad spiny rat
Trinidad water rat
Trinidadian funnel-eared bat
Tristram's jird
tropical big-eared brown bat
tropical ground squirrel
tropical pocket gopher
tropical vlei rat
tropical weasel
Trouessart's trident bat
Troughton's pouched bat
Trowbridge's shrew
Truck flying fox
True's beaked whale
True's shrew mole
True's vole
Tsolov's mouse-like hamster
Tucuman tuco-tuco
tuft-tailed spiny tree rat
tufted deer
tufted ground squirrel
tufted pygmy squirrel
Tullberg's soft-furred mouse
Tumbala climbing rat
tumultuous shrew
tundra shrew
tundra vole
Turkestan rat
Turkestan red pika
Turkmen jerboa
Turner Island woodrat
Tuva silver vole
Tweedy's crab-eating rat
Tyler's mouse opossum
typical striped grass mouse
typical vlei rat