Birds beginning with I
Fish beginning with I
Reptiles beginning with I
Mammals that start with I
Idaho ground squirrel
Idaho pocket gopher
Ihering's hocicudo
Ihering's short-tailed opossum
Ihering's spiny rat
Ikonnikov's bat
Ili pika
Ilin bushy-tailed cloud rat
Imaizumi's horseshoe bat
imposter hutia
Inca oldfield mouse
Incan hocicudo
Incan little mastiff bat
Incan shrew opossum
indefatigable Galapagos mouse
Indian bush rat
Indian crested porcupine
Indian desert jird
Indian flying fox
Indian gazelle
Indian gerbil
Indian giant flying squirrel
Indian giant squirrel
Indian gray mongoose
Indian hairy-footed gerbil
Indian hare
Indian hedgehog
Indian long-eared hedgehog
Indian mongoose or Javan mongoose
Indian muntjac
Indian palm squirrel
Indian pangolin
Indian pipistrelle
Indian rhinoceros
Indian roundleaf bat
Indian spotted chevrotain
Indiana bat
Indo-Pacific humpbacked dolphin
Indochinese flying squirrel
Indochinese ground squirrel
Indochinese shrew
Indonesian mountain weasel
Indonesian porcupine
inland hill rat
inornate squirrel
inquisitive shrew mole
insular horseshoe bat
insular mole
insular myotis
insular single leaf bat
insular vole
intelligent grass mouse
intermediate horseshoe bat
intermediate long-tailed bat
intermediate rice rat
intermediate roundleaf bat
intermediate slit-faced bat
Inyo shrew
Ipanema bat
Iranian jerboa
Iranian shrew
Irrawaddy dolphin
Irrawaddy squirrel
Isabel naked-tailed rat
Isabella shrew
Isabelle's ghost bat
Isarog shrew rat
Isarog striped shrew-rat
island gray fox
island mouse
island tube-nosed fruit bat
Issel's groove-toothed swamp rat
Ivory Coast rat