Birds beginning with O
Fish beginning with O
Reptiles beginning with O
Mammals that start with O
Oaxaca giant deer mouse
Oaxacan pocket gopher
Obi island cuscus
Obi mosaic-tailed rat
Occidental gerbil
ochre bush squirrel
ochre mole rat
Ogilby's duiker
Ogilvie mountain collared lemming
Ohiya rat
Oku mouse shrew
Olalla's titi
oldfield mouse
oldfield mouse
oldfield white-bellied rat
Olga's dormouse
olive colobus
olive grass mouse
olive montane mouse
olive-backed pocket mouse
Olivier's shrew
Olrog's chaco mouse
Olympic marmot
Omilteme cottontail
one-striped short-tailed opossum
one-toothed shrew mouse
Ontong Java flying fox
Ooldea dunnart
opossum rat
orange fruit bat
orange leaf-nosed bat
orange mouse
orange nectar bat
orange-bellied Himalayan squirrel
orange-spined hairy dwarf porcupine
Ord's kangaroo rat
Oriente cave rat
Orinoco agouti
Orinoco sword-nosed bat
ornate flying fox
ornate shrew
Osgood's horseshoe bat
Osgood's leaf-eared mouse
Osgood's mouse
Osgood's rat
Osgood's short-tailed opossum
otter civet
Oubangui mouse
Owl's spiny rat
owl-faced monkey
Owston's palm civet
Oyapock's fish-eating rat