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Original source: http://calphotos.berkeley.edu
Author: Serban Proches
Original source: http://calphotos.berkeley.edu
Author: Serban Proches
Hairy-footed gerbil
Order : Rodentia
Suborder : Sciurognathi
Family : Muridae
Subfamily : Gerbillinae
Species : Gerbillurus paeba
The Hairy-footed gerbil is listed as Least Concern. Does not qualify for a more at risk category. Widespread and abundant taxa are included in this category, on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species
Namings for the hairyfooted gerbil
A young / baby of a hairyfooted gerbil is called a 'pup'. The females are called 'doe' and males 'buck'. A hairyfooted gerbil group is called a 'horde'.Hairy-footed gerbil habitats
Artificial / Terrestrial, Coastal Sand Dunes, Desert, Dry savanna, Hot Desert, Marine Coastal / Supratidal, Savanna, Shrubland, Temperate Shrubland and Urban Areas
Facts about the hairy-footed gerbil
The Indian Hairy-Footed Gerbil is a very interesting breed of gerbil that is native to northern India and Pakistan.
HE chance spotting of a hairy-footed gerbil is just one reason you should book immediately for the Alexandria Trail . (Full text)
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