Pouched rats
Order : Rodentia
Suborder : Sciurognathi
Family : Muridae
Subfamily : Cricetomyinae
Facts about the subfamily Cricetomyinae, the pouched rats
>Pouched rats are not marsupials.
A more detailed taxonomical classification of Gambian giant pouched rats is given at the bottom.
Giant pouched rats are seen as the solution to Mozambique's grim landmine problem.
The Gambian pouched rats are also refered to as Giant Gambian Pouched Rats or African Pouced Rats or simply, Pouched Rats.
Pouched rats are a group of African rodents in the subfamily Cricetomyinae. (Full text)
Purpose This site, one of a very few in the UK about Pouched Rats, is a record of the growth and development of Kali, an African Pouched Rat. (Full text)
Just after sunup on one dewy morning, on a football field-sized patch of earth in the Mozambican countryside, Frank Weetjens and his squad of 16 giant pouched rats are proving it. (Full text)
Of course, not all African rats are going to like everything listed above and you may want to try giving yours many other tasty foods, but remember, African Giant Pouched rats are hoarders, and if offered one of their favorites, will take as much as you will give. (Full text)