Vlei rats and whistling rats
Order : Rodentia
Suborder : Sciurognathi
Family : Muridae
Subfamily : Otomyinae
Facts about the subfamily Otomyinae, the vlei rats and whistling rats
Behavior Angoni Vlei Rats are usually solitary but sometimes are found in pairs.
htm Grysbok Trail - Mammals: Vlei Rat Otomys irroratus, A "vlei" is an area of shallow, temporary standing water, thus Vlei Rats are associated with wet areas and stream verge habitats .
Otomys irroratus A "vlei" is an area of shallow, temporary standing water, thus Vlei Rats are associated with wet areas and stream verge habitats, although they will move into grassland.
Vlei rats are notorious for having thick fur and also very big ears as far as rodents go and a blunt snout.
Vlei rats are specialist herbivores which, on the coastal plain, are only found in old growth.
De Otomyinae is al lang geen aparte onderfamilie meer. (Wiki)
Vlei rats are most active during the day, and are most often seen either singly or in pairs. (Full text)
Otomys (Otomyinae) is considered to be a murine related to the African group of genera. (Full text)