New World rats and mice
Order : Rodentia
Suborder : Sciurognathi
Family : Muridae
Subfamily : Sigmodontinae
Facts about the subfamily Sigmodontinae, the New World rats and mice
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In analyses van de verwantschappen binnen de Sigmodontinae is hun plaats meestal zeer onstabiel.
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Very small mice are bad mothers
Polaris, a protein disrupted in orpk mutant mice, is required for assembly of renal cilium -- Yoder et al. (Full text)
Helicobacter Pylori-associated Gastric Cancer in INS-GAS Mice Is Gender Specific -- Fox et al. (Full text)
Pulmonary hypertension in TNF-alpha -overexpressing mice is associated with decreased VEGF gene expression -- Fujita et al. (Full text)
De Sigmodontinae is nu na de Murinae de grootste onderfamilie van de zoogdieren, zelfs groter dan alle andere families. (Wiki)
eBay - Book: Mice Are Nice (ISBN: 0679889299)includeHost = 'http://include. (Full text)
The Seattle Times: Nation & World: Science creates marathon mice; are people next? (Full text)
Three Blind Mice Are Dead (round) Digital Tradition Mirror Three Blind Mice Are Dead (round) (Full text)
squamipes, semiaquatic species of Sigmodontinae, is distributed along watercourse banks and has a wide geographic range coincident with S. (Full text)
CNN - Virus carried by mice is a mysterious killer - Oct. (Full text)
Mighty Mice Are Less Susceptible To Muscular Dystrophy Gene's Effects (Full text)
An Adoptive Transfer Model of Allergic Lung Inflammation in Mice Is Mediated by CD4+CD62LlowCD25+ T Cells -- Wise et al. (Full text)
Baseline Airway Hyperreactivity in A/J Mice Is not Mediated by Cells of the Adaptive Immune System -- Hadeiba et al. (Full text)
Three mice are sitting at a bar. (Full text)
Men & Mice is committed to the goal of making DNS and IP address management (Full text)
Making chocolate mice is fun, and eating them even more fun. (Full text)