Chinchilla mice

Chinchilla mice

Order : Rodentia
Suborder : Sciurognathi
Family : Muridae
Subfamily : Sigmodontinae
Genus : Euneomys


Facts about the genus Euneomys, the chinchilla mice

Agouti chinchilla mice are gray rather than brownish gray.

First described by Feldman at the University of Illinois (15), agouti chinchilla mice are gray rather than brownish gray.

pigmentationdiluted coat color (J:13502)in the presence of this allele: homozygous chinchilla-mottled 1 mice appear almost white; homozygous chinchilla mice are not affectedgrowth/sizereduced body size (J:13502)in the presence of this allele: homozygous chinchilla-mottled 1 mice may be smaller than normalskin/coat/nailsdiluted coat color (J:13502)in the presence of this allele: homozygous chinchilla-mottled 1 mice appear almost white; homozygous chinchilla mice are not affected

Chinchilla mice are eumelanic and very dark, nearly the full intensity of black, but if they are chinchilla and pheomelanic, their pigmentation is a low intensity, nearly white. (Full text)

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