Original source: Base map derived from File:BlankMap-World.png. Distribution data from IUCN Red List
Author: Chermundy
Hairy-tailed mole
Order : Insectivora
Family : Talpidae
Subfamily : Talpinae
Species : Parascalops breweri
The Hairy-tailed mole is listed as Least Concern (LR/lc), lowest risk. Does not qualify for a more at risk category. Widespread and abundant taxa are included in this category, on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species
Namings for the hairytailed mole
A young / baby of a hairytailed mole is called a 'pup'. A hairytailed mole group is called a 'labour,company or movement'.Countries
United StatesSome facts about the
Hairy-tailed mole
Adult weight : 0.063 kg (0.1386 lbs)
Female maturity :300 days
Male maturity : 300 days
Gestation : 35 days
Weaning : 30 days
Litter size : 4
Litters per year : 1
Weight at birth : 0.01 kg (0.022 lbs)
Weight at weaning : 0.035 kg (0.077 lbs)
Facts about the hairy-tailed mole
The hairy-tailed mole is found only in the Appalachian Mountain region (i.
Smith The scientific name for the hairy-tailed mole is Parascalops Brewer.
The hairy tailed mole is dark gray or nearly black with a slightly paler belly and a short hairy tail. (Full text)
The hairy-tailed mole is active during the winter but hunts in deeper burrows below the frost line.
GEOGRAPHIC RANGE: Hairy-tailed moles are found from southern Quebec and Ontario to central Ohio, and south as far as western North Carolina in the Appalachian Mountains (Walker, 1964). (Full text)
GEOGRAPHIC RANGE: Hairy-tailed moles are found from southern Quebec and Ontario to central Ohio, and south as far as western North Carolina in the Appalachian Mountains (Walker, 1964). (Full text)
Geographic Range Hairy-tailed moles are found from southern Quebec and Ontario to central Ohio, and south as far as western North Carolina in the Appalachian Mountains (Walker, 1964).
Typical activity patterns: Social style: Hairy-tailed moles are solitary, except briefly while mating. (Full text)
HAIRY-TAILED MOLES are small burrowing animals, covered with long bushy black hairs.
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