Golden moles

Golden moles

Order : Insectivora
Family : Chrysochloridae


Animals in the family Chrysochloridae

Van Zyl's golden mole
Facts about the family Chrysochloridae, the golden moles

CHRYSOCHLORIDAE Chrysochloridae is the golden moles family of mammals belonging to the order Insectivora.

Chrysochloridae is comprised of at least 18 species spanning 7 genera (Nowak, 1991), but may include as many as 21 species (Bronner and Perrin, 2001). (Full text)

Chrysochloridae is comprised of at least 18 species spanning 7 genera (Nowak, 1991), but may include as many as 21 species (Bronner and Perrin, 2001). (Full text)

The last family, Chrysochloridae, is represented by the golden moles of South and East Africa, which differ from the Centetidae and Solenodontidae by the development of a bulla to the tympanic, and the presence of a zygomatic arch to the Golden skull; the tibia and fibula being separate, and the sym- physis of the pelvis forThed merely by ligament. (Full text)

The last family, Chrysochloridae, is represented by the golden moles of South and East Africa, which differ from the Centetidae and Solenodontidae by the development of a bulla to the tympanic, and the presence of a zygomatic arch to the Golden skull; the tibia and fibula being separate, and the sym- physis of the pelvis forThed merely by ligament.

The Chrysochloridae is thus a truly southern African flagship biodiversity, and one that is in urgent need of further taxonomic study to facilitate effective conservation strategies. (Full text)

It is, however, very noteworthy that one peculiar family (Solenodontidae) of the order, apparently nearly allied to the Malagasy Centetidae (tenrecs), occurs in the ~Vcst Indies, while the extinct Necrolesles, believed to be near akin to the African golden moles (Chrysochloridae), is found in the Santa Cruz beds. (Full text)

As with many groups, the classification of the golden moles is undergoing an upheaval at present in the light of the flood of new genetic information becoming available. (Full text)

As with many groups, the classification of the golden moles is undergoing an upheaval at present in the light of the flood of new genetic information becoming available. (Full text)

As with many groups, the classification of the golden moles is undergoing an upheaval at present in the light of the flood of new genetic information becoming available.

As with many groups, the classification of the golden moles is undergoing an upheaval at present in the light of the flood of new genetic information becoming available. (Full text)

As with many groups, the classification of the golden moles is undergoing an upheaval at present in the light of the flood of new genetic information becoming available. (Full text)

As with many groups, the classification of the golden moles is undergoing an upheaval at present in the light of the flood of new genetic information becoming available. (Wiki)

As with many groups, the classification of the golden moles is undergoing an upheaval at present in the light of the flood of new genetic information becoming available. (Full text)

As with many groups, the classification of the golden moles is undergoing an upheaval at present in the light of the flood of new genetic information becoming available. (Full text)

Chrysochloridae Family Golden moles are fairly common throughout southern Africa, where 7 genera and around 18 species are known.

edu/chordata/mammalia/insectivora/chrysochlori Golden moles are fairly common throughout southern Africa, where 7 genera and around 18 species are known.

Golden moles are small, insectivorous burrowing mammals native to southern Africa. (Wiki)

Golden moles are an ancient group of mammals who live mostly below ground. (Full text)

Golden moles are an ancient group of mammals who live mostly below ground. (Full text)

Golden moles are small, insectivorous burrowing mammals native to southern Africa. (Full text)

Golden moles are small, insectivorous burrowing mammals native to southern Africa. (Full text)

Golden moles are small, insectivorous burrowing mammals native to southern Africa. (Full text)

Golden moles are small, insectivorous burrowing mammals native to southern Africa. (Wiki)

Golden moles are small, insectivorous burrowing mammals native to southern Africa. (Full text)

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