Order : Insectivora
Family : Talpidae
Subfamily : Desmaninae
Facts about the subfamily Desmaninae, the desmans
Moles and desmans are found throughout much of North America and Eurasia, there are about 42 species in this group. (Full text)
Habitat Iberian desmans are usually found in cold mountain lakes and rivers with abundant crustaceans and insect larvae.
Desmans are thought to probe the bottom of their aquatic habitats with their long sensitive snout in search of food. (Full text)
 Some moles and desmans are aquatic, a few moles live on the surface.
The snouts of all moles and desmans are tipped with a unique battery (numbering several thousand) of touch-sensative structures, known as Eimer's Organs.
Desmans are a real biological group. (Full text)
Desmans are semi-aquatic and obtain their food from water creatures.
" From Information about Moles: The snouts of all moles and desmans are tipped with a unique battery (numbering several thousand) of touch-sensative structures, known as Eimer's Organs.
Onufrienja and Onufrienja (1993) report a close correlation between rainfall and overall desman numbers: when water levels are high, desmans are offered good overwintering conditions. (Full text)
Desmans are close relatives of the moles and are adapted for swimming.