Pelagic fish - Fish living in the pelagic environment

Any water in the sea that is not close to the bottom is in the pelagic zone. The word pelagic comes from the Greek πέλαγος or pélagos, which means open sea.

Order Atheriniformes

Waccamaw silverside - Known only from Lake Waccamaw and the upper Waccamaw River in Columbus County, North Carolina, the silverside is found in the upper Waccamaw River only during periods of high water and is not a permanent resident.

Bedotia albomarginata

Pseudomugil pellucidus

Cunning silverside

Paratherina cyanea - Paratherina cyanea is a species of fish in the Atherinidae family.

Melanotaenia kokasensis

Silver rainbowfish

Redfinned blue-eye - It is listed as Critically Endangered on the IUCN Red List, and as Endangered under Queensland's Nature Conservation Act 1992.

Basilichthys microlepidotus - Basilichthys microlepidotus is a species of fish in the Atherinidae family.

Odontesthes bicudo

Telmatherina wahjui - Telmatherina wahjui is a species of fish in the Telmatherinidae family.

Celebes Rainbow - Telmatherina celebensis is a species of fish in the Telmatherinidae family.

Tominanga aurea - Tominanga aurea is a species of fish in the Atherinidae family.


Paratherina wolterecki - Paratherina wolterecki is a species of fish in the Atherinidae family.

Ornate rainbowfish

Basilichthys archaeus

Phallostethus dunckeri

Charal de Quechulac

Bedotia marojejy - Bedotia marojejy is a species of fish in the Bedotiidae family.

Sentani rainbowfish - The sentani rainbowfish is a species of fish in the Melanotaeniidae family.

New Guinea blue-eye

Texas silverside

Melanotaenia ammeri

Bulolo rainbowfish

Telmatherina prognatha - Telmatherina prognatha is a species of fish in the Telmatherinidae family.

Bleheratherina pierrucciae

Telmatherina antoniae - Telmatherina antoniae is a species of fish in the Telmatherinidae family.

Rheocles vatosoa



Paratherina labiosa - Paratherina labiosa is a species of fish in the Atherinidae family.

Chignahuapan silverside

Madagascar rainbow fish

Vogelkop blue-eye

Popondetta blue-eye - The Popondetta blue-eye or popondetta rainbowfish is a species of fish in the Pseudomugilidae family.

Melanotaenia synergos

Barred rainbowfish

Neostethus djajaorum

Basilichthys semotilus

Axelrod's rainbowfish - Axelrod's rainbowfish is a species of fish in the Melanotaeniidae family.

Odontesthes ledae

Telmatherina obscura - Telmatherina obscura is a species of fish in the Telmatherinidae family.

Tominanga sanguicauda - Tominanga sanguicauda is a species of fish in the Atherinidae family.


Bedotia masoala - Bedotia masoala is a species of fish in the Bedotiidae family.

Swamp blue-eye

Western hardyhead

Golden silverside

Western rainbowfish

Highlands rainbowfish

Telmatherina sarasinorum - Telmatherina sarasinorum is a species of fish in the Telmatherinidae family.

Telmatherina bonti - Telmatherina bonti is a species of fish in the Telmatherinidae family.


Rheocles derhami


Paratherina striata - Paratherina striata is a species of fish in the Atherinidae family.

Charal de la Preciosa


Lorentz's rainbowfish

Cape blue-eye - The cape blue-eye is a species of fish in the Pseudomugilidae family.

Membras argentea

Bleher's rainbowfish - Bleher's rainbowfish is a species of fish in the Melanotaeniidae family.

Odontesthes piquava

Teramulus waterloti - Teramulus waterloti is a species of fish in the Atherinidae family.

St. Maarten pejerry

Telmatherina opudi - Telmatherina opudi is a species of fish in the Telmatherinidae family.

Telmatherina abendanoni - Telmatherina abendanoni is a species of fish in the Telmatherinidae family.

Brook silverside


Order Aulopiformes

Paraulopus melanogrammus

Order Beloniformes

Sepik River halfbeak

Nomorhamphus megarrhamphus

Zenarchopterus beauforti

Nomorhamphus ebrardtii

Malabar ricefish

Duckbilled buntingi - The Duck-billed Buntingi is on average about 11 cm long

Hyporhamphus taiwanensis

Hemirhamphodon kapuasensis

Dermogenys robertsi

Dermogenys bruneiensis

Nomorhamphus weberi

Sarasins minnow - Xenopoecilus sarasinorum is a species of fish in the Adrianichthyidae family.

Zenarchopterus philippinus

Nomorhamphus pinnimaculata

Zenarchopterus dux

Celebes halfbeak

Hemirhamphodon pogonognathus

Nomorhamphus brembachi

Hyporhamphus brederi

Dermogenys orientalis

Nomorhamphus towoetii

Potamorrhaphis eigenmanni

Maya needlefish

Pseudotylosurus angusticeps

Dermogenys bispina

Eggcarrying buntingi - The egg-carrying buntingi is a species of fish in the Adrianichthyidae family.

Fly river-garfish

Nomorhamphus pectoralis

Long-jawed river garfish

Nomorhamphus hageni

Rosen's buntingi

Hemirhamphodon kuekenthali

Dermogenys sumatrana

Dermogenys collettei

Robert's river garfish - Robert's river garfish is a species of fish in the Hemiramphidae family.

Nomorhamphus rossi

Ectuntio halfbeak

Nomorhamphus manifesta

Hemirhamphodon tengah

Allen's river garfish - Allen's river garfish is a species of fish in the Hemiramphidae family.

Poso halfbeak - The Poso halfbeak is a species of fish in the Hemiramphidae family.

Mexican halfbeak

Hemirhamphodon chrysopunctatus

Dermogenys palawanensis

Nomorhamphus vivipara

Peixe agulha

Freshwater long-tom

Gangetic halfbeak

Elongate Poso minnow - Popta's buntingi is a species of fish in the Adrianichthyidae family.

Vogelkop river garfish

Nomorhamphus philippina

Duncker's river garfish

Nomorhamphus kolonodalensis

Nomorhamphus bakeri

Hemirhamphodon phaiosoma

Dermogenys vogti

Tondanichthys kottelati

Dermogenys montana

Hooghly halfbeak

Nomorhamphus sanussii

Order Carcharhiniformes

Hemitriakis indroyonoi

Order Characiformes

Nanocheirodon insignis

Ceratobranchia joanae

Distichodus altus

Scopaeocharax atopodus

Hydrolycus armatus

Distichodus petersii

Chilodus fritillus

Micralestes comoensis

Royal tetra

Moenkhausia levidorsa

Slender robber

Copper tetra

Brycinus poptae

Astyanax aramburui


Leporinus jamesi

Dwarf Lake Turkana robber - The dwarf lake turkana robber is a species of fish in the Alestiidae family.

Cynodon septenarius

Nannocharax schoutedeni

Blackedge tetra

Roeboexodon guyanensis

Hemistichodus lootensi

Wimple piranha - The wimple piranha is not traditionally considered to be a true piranha; the shape of its teeth and the presence of two rows of teeth on the upper jaw makes it different from the other piranha genera.

Scissor macrocephalus

Spotted citharinid

Metynnis otuquensis

Oligosarcus macrolepis

Ichthyborus ornatus

Threeline tetra

Sharktail distichodus

Chalceus taeniatus

Silver dollar - The silver dollar is a peaceful schooling species that spends most of its time in the mid- to upper-level of the water.

Alestopetersius smykalai

Engraulisoma taeniatum

Brachypetersius huloti

Piaba - The Neon Tetra has a light-blue back over a silver-white abdomen.

Jellybean tetra

False black tetra

Striped robber

Sailfin tetra

Nannocharax micros

Tyttobrycon dorsimaculatus

Macropsobrycon xinguensis

Neolebias kerguennae

Hyphessobrycon otrynus

Elachocharax geryi

Striped pike-characin

Alestes stuhlmannii - Alestes stuhlmannii is a species of fish in the Alestiidae family.

Microcharacidium weitzmani

Anodus elongatus

Pinkfin Alestes

Nannocharax latifasciatus

Hemigrammocharax wittei

Bryconella pallidifrons

Nannocharax elongatus

Lobodeuterodon euspilurus

Hemigrammocharax minutus

Bryconaethiops boulengeri

Serrasalmus altispinis

Hyphessobrycon isiri

Lake Turkana citharine

Micralestes pabrensis

Blind tetra

Kolpotocheirodon figueiredoi

Brycinus carmesinus

Redspotted tetra

Elongated robber

Jupiaba meunieri

River hatchetfish - The river hatchetfish is a schooling species best kept in groups of five or more that spends most of its time in the top-level of the water where it searches for food.

Brycinus abeli

Congocharax gossei

Myloplus planquettei

Attonitus bounites

Hemibrycon divisorensis

Alestes schoutedeni

Dectobrycon armeniacus

Silver dollar

Chalceus latus

Dwarf distichodus

Serrapinnus heterodon

Hyphessobrycon columbianus - Only recently introduced to the aquarium trade, it is one of the more expensive tetras.

Sixbar distichodus - The Six-banded distichodus is a species of fish in the Distichodontidae family.

Hydrocynus somonorum


Distichodus noboli

Micralestes ambiguus

Moenkhausia diktyota

Astyanax jacuhiensis

Paraphago rostratus

Leptagoniates steindachneri

Rhabdalestes brevidorsalis

Hasemania hanseni

Brycinus opisthotaenia

Henochilus wheatlandii

Ceratobranchia delotaenia

Nannocharax pteron

Tyttobrycon xeruini

Pygmy hatchetfish - The pygmy hatchetfish grows to about 2.


Phenacogrammus ansorgii

Distichodus langi

Bathyaethiops greeni

Acestrocephalus ginesi

Spotted metynnis - The silver dollar is a peaceful schooling species that spends most of its time in the mid- to upper-level of the water.

Green dwarf tetra

Ichthyborus besse congolensis

Psalidodon gymnodontus

Eugnathichthys macroterolepis

Niger tetra

Blackline penguinfish - The species was previously misidentified as Thayeria sanctaemariae

Leporinus bimaculatus

Pygocentrus palometa

Brycinus luteus

Silver teta

Microstomatichthyoborus katangae

Aphyocharax yekwanae

Victoria robber

Broadbarred citharine

Hemigrammus ora

Deuterodon langei

Neolebias powelli

Prionobrama paraguayensis

Elachocharax pulcher

Alestopetersius compressus

Clupeocharax schoutedeni

Hyphessobrycon nigricinctus

Dundocharax bidentatus

Alestes inferus

Clupeacharax anchoveoides

Micralestes vittatus

Ptychocharax rhyacophila

Grundulus cochae

Large-toothed Lake Turkana robber - It is endemic to Kenya, and its natural habitat is freshwater lakes.

Nannocharax hollyi

Hemigrammocharax ocellicauda

Bryconaethiops yseuxi

Neolebias axelrodi

Serrasalmo stagnatilis

Hyphessobrycon hamatus

Belonophago tinanti

Chrysobrycon myersi

Micralestes lualabae

Klausewitzia ritae

Gnathocharax steindachneri

Alestes batesii

Nannocharax ansorgii

Tometes trilobatus

Hemigrammocharax lineostriatus

Brycinus tholloni

Moenkhausia pankilopteryx

Leptocharacidium omospilus

Rhabdalestes septentrionalis

Silver tip - The males have a copper color, the females are more pale and silverish.

Brycinus rhodopleura - Brycinus rhodopleura is a species of fish in the Alestiidae family.

Bario steindachneri

Mesoborus crocodilus

Ceratobranchia obtusirostris

Distichodus antonii

Scopaeocharax rhinodus

Hydrolycus tatauaia

Distichodus rufigiensis - Distichodus rufigiensis is a species of fish in the Distichodontidae family.

Spotted headstander

Micralestes congicus

Oxybrycon parvulus

Silver hatchetfish - It has the capability of "flying" out of an aquarium, so precautions should be taken.

Metynnis polystictus

Oligosarcus oligolepis

Ichthyborus quadrilineatus

Mixobrycon ribeiroi

Astyanax epiagos

Giant hatchetfish

Leporinus piau

Brycinus nigricauda

Nannocharax taenia

Tyttocharax tambopatensis

Hemistichodus vaillanti

Tiger fish

Piabucina panamensis


Hoplerythrinus cinereus

Distichodus hypostomatus

Marbled headstander - The marbled headstander generally inhabits streams and rivers of the Orinoco and Amazon river systems.


Brachypetersius notospilus

Green neon tetra - This fish is similar in appearance to the closely-related and better-known neon tetra, but it is slightly smaller and its red patch is less pronounced, while the blue-green areas of the upper body are more brilliant.

Leporinus amae

Blackspot piranha

Brycinus leuciscus

Nannocharax occidentalis

Tyttobrycon hamatus

Phago boulengeri

Nannocharax lineomaculatus

Barnard's robber

Caenotropus schizodon

Banded neolebias

Hyphessobrycon weitzmanorum

Elachocharax junki

Spotted pike-characin

Alestopetersius brichardi

Anodus orinocensis

Alestes humilis

Creagrutus guanes

Micralestes sardina

Kolpotocheirodon theloura

Brycinus carolinae

Copeina osgoodi

Nannocharax fasciatus

Parodon moreirai

Hemigrammocharax monardi

Bryconaethiops macrops

Serrasalmus gibbus

Hyphessobrycon langeanii

Duboisialestes bifasciatus

Alestes comptus

Citharinus congicus

Serrasalmo emarginatus

Hyphessobrycon cyanotaenia

Distichodus teugelsi

Micralestes fodori

Jupiaba ocellata

Redfin robber

Congocharax olbrechtsi

Attonitus ephimeros

Brycinus taeniurus

Rainbow tetra

Hydrocynus tanzaniae

Distichodus notospilus

Chilobrycon deuterodon

Micralestes argyrotaenia

Moenkhausia latissima

Astyanax turmalinensis

Rhabdalestes leleupi - Rhabdalestes leleupi is a species of fish in the Alestiidae family.

Hasemania maxillaris

Brycinus peringueyi

Ceratobranchia elatior

Silver distichodus - The silver distichodus is a species of fish in the Distichodontidae family.

Thayeria ifati

Leporinus garmani

True big-scale tetra

Cynodon meionactis

Nannocharax reidi

Tyttocharax cochui

Marbled hatchetfish - The Marbled Hatchetfish is common in the aquarium industry.

Phenacogrammus gabonensis

Longsnout distichodus

Metynnis mola

Odontostilbe ecuadorensis


X-ray tetra - Pristella maxillaris is a small, adaptable fish that is easily kept in a home aquarium and will eat most prepared foods.

Brachypetersius cadwaladeri

Alestopetersius nigropterus

Scarlet characin - The cardinal tetra, Paracheirodon axelrodi, is a freshwater fish of the characin family of order Characiformes.

Blackamoor - Growing to about 6 cm total length, the black tetra has a roughly tetragonal body shape and is greyish in colour, fading from light at the nose to near black at the tail.

Brycinus kingsleyae

Nannocharax maculicauda

Tricuspidalestes caeruleus

False rummynose tetra

Neolebias trewavasae

Hyphessobrycon ocasoensis

Boulengerella cuvieri

Torpedo robber

Microcharacidium gnomus

Jelly bean tetra

Brycinus fwaensis

Swordtail characin

Nannocharax intermedius

Hemigrammocharax uniocellatus

Bryconamericus dahli

Neolebias gracilis

Serrasalmo undulatus

Hyphessobrycon heliacus

Citharinops distichodoides thomasi

Micralestes occidentalis

Knodus shinahota

Brycinus bimaculatus

Nannocharax brevis

Dwarf citharine

Bryconacidnus paipayensis

Jupiaba maroniensis

Spotted hatchetfish

Pangani robber - The Pangani robber is a species of fish in the Alestiidae family.

Sadler's robber - It is found in Burundi, Kenya, and Uganda.

Tucan fish

Distichodus atroventralis

Hydrolycus wallacei


Chilodus zunevei

Micralestes eburneensis

Giant tigerfish

Piabucina pleurotaenia

Nile distichodus

Bucktooth tetra - This species is of typical elongated tetra appearance; it is light tan in appearance with two distinct black spots .

Moenkhausia bonita

Astyanax jacobinae

Spotfin hatchetfish

Leptagoniates pi

Hasemania crenuchoides

Nurse tetra

Nannopetersius lamberti

Xenocharax spilurus

Ceratobranchia binghami

Hoplerythrinus gronovii

Phenacogrammus altus

Distichodus kolleri

African moon tetra

Acanthocharax microlepis


Eugnathichthys eetveldii

Brachypetersius pseudonummifer

Leporinus amazonicus

Red piranha - The Red-bellied piranha is a species of piranha.

Longfin tetra

Ctenobrycon alleni

Nannocharax ogoensis

Tyttobrycon spinosus

Phago intermedius

Blackwing hatchetfish - Black-winged hatchetfish has a convex body.

Nannocharax luapulae

Petersius conserialis - Petersius conserialis is a species of fish in the Alestiidae family, and the sole member of the genus Petersius.

Hemigrammopetersius pulcher

Caiapobrycon tucurui

Neolebias philippei

Glass bloodfin

Elachocharax mitopterus

Boulengerella xyrekes

Yellowtail tetra

Microstomatichthyoborus bashforddeani

Brycinus intermedius

Serrasalmus hastatus

Hyphessobrycon moniliger

Duboisialestes tumbensis


Citharinus gibbosus

Micralestes schelly

Grundulus bogotensis

Brycinus derhami

Nannocharax fasciolaris

Multibar citharine

Bryconaethiops quinquesquamae

Ansorge's characin

Serrasalmo scotopterus

Hyphessobrycon eilyos

Belonophago hutsebouti

Chrysobrycon hesperus

Micralestes holargyreus

Brycinus bartoni

Congocharax spilotaenia

Nannocharax altus

Attonitus irisae

Tometes makue

Parecbasis cyclolepis

Lignobrycon myersi


Hemigrammocharax angolensis

Alestes tessmanni

Derhamia hoffmannorum

Emporer Tetra - The Emperor tetra is a placid aquarium fish so avoid boisterous companions.

Order Clupeiformes

River plate sprat

Alosa vistonica - Alosa vistonica is a species of fish in the Clupeidae family.

Fly river thryssa

Minyclupeoides dentibranchialus

Enzeli shad - Alosa caspia is a shad living in the Caspian Sea

Bigeye kilka

Amazon hatchet herring

Kalimantan river sprat

Dungu sprat

Kapuas river sprat

Roundbelly pellonuline

Burmese river shad

Atlantic sabretooth anchovy

Sharpnosed sawtooth pellonuline

Pacific gizzard shad

James's anchovy


Burmese river gizzard shad

Strickland river herring

Sauvagella robusta

Saposhnikovi shad - Alewife is a species of ray-finned fish in the genus Alosa.

Indian pellona

Lindman's grenadier anchovy

Sanaga pygmy herring

Lake Tumba dwarf sprat

Mediterranean shad - Alosa agone is a species of ray-finned fish in the genus Alosa.

Clupeonella abrau muhlisi - Clupeonella abrau is a species of fish in the Clupeidae family.

Microthrissa whiteheadi

Amazon spinejaw sprat


Short-hairfin anchovy

Anchoviella perezi

Bangkok river sprat

Mexican river gizzard shad

Allen's anchovy

Smooth-belly pellonuline

Lake Tanganyika sardine - The Lake Tanganyika sardine is a species of fish in the Clupeidae family.

Slender thryssa

Australian river gizzard shad - A deep bodied, laterally compressed fish with a blunt snout.

Alosa volgensis - Alosa volgensis is a species of ray-finned fish in the genus Alosa.

Astrabad shad - Alosa caspia is a shad living in the Caspian Sea

Pristigaster whiteheadi

Papuan river sprat - The toothed river herring is a species of fish in the Clupeidae family.

Lake Mweru sprat

Laotian shad - Tenualosa thibaudeaui is a species of fish in the Clupeidae family.

Pa hang pah

Ansorge's fangtooth pellonuline

Sumatran river sprat

Manamo anchovy

Southern Burmese gizzard shad

Bluntnosed sawtooth pellonuline

Central Zaire pellonuline

Belize anchovy

Denticeps clupeoides - The denticle herring is a small species of ray-finned fish found only in the rivers of Benin, Nigeria and Cameroon, related to the herrings, but notable for its large anal fin and its array of denticle like scales under the head giving it almost a furry appearance.

Agrakhan shad - Alosa sphaerocephala is a species of ray-finned fish in the genus Alosa.

Longjaw grenadier anchovy

Godavari thryssa

Mai-ndombe dwarf sprat

Uruguay river sprat

Caspian marine shad - Caspian Marine Shad is a species of ray-finned fish in the genus Alosa.

Anchovy-like tyulka

Regan's fangtooth pellonuline

Engraulis albidus

Borneo river sprat

Bigscale pellonuline

Burma hairfin anchovy

Thai river sprat

Vaillant's anchovy

Indian river shad - Gudusia chapra is a shad of the Clupeidae family,


Bates' sabretooth anchovy

Nicaragua gizzard shad

Carriker's anchovy

Ganges river gizzard shad

Rio Negro pygmy anchovy

Fly river herring

Bombon sardine - S.

Macedonia shad - The liparia or Macedonian shad is a species of fish in the Clupeidae family.

Amazon ilisha

Yangtse grenadier anchovy

River sprat

Royal sprat

West african pygmy herring

Losera fangtooth pellonuline

Perak river sprat

Whitehead's sawtooth pellonuline

Natterer's anchovy

Surinam anchovy

Lake Tanganyika sprat - The Lake Tanganyika sprat is a species of fish in the Clupeidae family.

Jurua anchovy

Order Cypriniformes

Barbus versluysii - Barbus versluysii is a species of ray-finned fish in the genus Barbus.

Sinilabeo zhui

Osteochilus serokan

Garra smarti

Hoven's carp - The Sultan fish is a common feature on the menu of many local Chinese restaurants as it makes for good eating.

Rasbora gerlachi

Barbus niluferensis

Devario suvatti

Hongshuia paoli

Giant salmon carp - The giant salmon carp is a species of ray-finned fish in the Cyprinidae family, of the monotypic genus Aaptosyax.

Puntius trifasciatus

Barbus carcharhinoides - Barbus carcharhinoides is a species of ray-finned fish in the genus Barbus.

Devario affinis

Longjaw minnow - Longjaw Minnow is a species of ray-finned fish in the genus Notropis.

Puntius ater

Burnt tail fish

Western blacknose dace

Anaecypris hispanica - Its natural habitats are rivers and intermittent rivers.

Oxygaster pointoni

Hongshuia banmo

Barbus tanapelagius - Barbus tanapelagius is a species of ray-finned fish in the genus Barbus.

Xenocypris medius

Barbus lornae - Barbus lornae is a species of ray-finned fish in the Cyprinidae family.

Devario quangbinhensis - Devario quangbinhensis or Chela quangbinhensis is a species of fish endemic to Asia in general and in Phong Nha-Ke Bang National Park, Quang Binh province, Bac Trung Bo, Vietnam in particular.

Schizothorax heterophysallidos

Glass fish

Dadio - Research in 2001 by Fang Fang suggests that the Genus Chela is closely related to the Devarios.

Puntius khugae

Barbodes polylepis - Barbodes polylepis is a species of ray-finned fish in the genus Barbodes.

Tor ater

Ziege - It is found in Austria, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Georgia, Germany, Hungary, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Republic of, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia and Montenegro, Slovakia, Sweden, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan.

Apollo sharkminnow

Squalidus multimaculatus

Clypeobarbus bomokandi - Clypeobarbus bomokandi is a species of ray-finned fish in the genus Clypeobarbus.

Silver cyprinid - Being a fast-swimming smallish fish of the open waters, it has been better able to withstand the ecological upheaval caused mainly by the introduced predator Lates niloticus than most other local species.

Barbus osseensis - Barbus osseensis is a species of ray-finned fish in the genus Barbus.

Acheloos roach

Nazas sucker

Devario yuensis

Hemigrammocapoeta caudomaculata - Hemigrammocapoeta caudomaculata is a species of ray-finned fish in the Cyprinidae family.

Barbus huguenyi - Barbus huguenyi is a species of ray-finned fish in the genus Barbus.

Mekongina lancangensis

Devario browni - Devario brownii is a species of fish in the family Cyprinidae.

Bangana brevirostris

Puntius gemellus

Apalachee shiner

Longiculter siahi

Boga-portuguesa - Chondrostoma almacai is a species of ray-finned fish in the genus Chondrostoma.

Belica - The Moderlieschen or Belica is a species of ray-finned fish in the Cyprinidae family.

Sinilabeo longibarbatus

Osteochilus jeruk

Parasqualidus maii

Lake Turkana barb - The Lake Turkana Barb is a species of ray-finned fish in the Cyprinidae family.

Parachela siamensis

Barbus melanotaenia - Barbus melanotaenia is a species of ray-finned fish in the genus Barbus.

Devario strigillifer

Schizothorax nudiventris


Acheilognathus mesembrinum

Laubuca fasciata

Puntius padamya

Barbus aliciae - Barbus aliciae is a species of ray-finned fish in the genus Barbus.

Rhodeus pseudosericeus - When spawning, the females deposit their eggs inside bivalves, where they hatch and the young remain until they can swim.

Giant danio - In the wild, Giant Danios live in clear streams and rivers among hills at elevations up to 1000 ft above sea level.

Eirmotus isthmus

Toxabramis nhatleensis

Psilorhynchus breviminor

Squalius orpheus

Oxygaster anomalura

Pseudophoxinus alii

Thryssocypris tonlesapensis


Metzia longinasus

Barbus serengetiensis - Barbus serengetiensis is a species of ray-finned fish in the Cyprinidae family.

Nueces roundnose minnow

Schizothorax beipanensis

Boga-portuguesa - Chondrostoma almacai is a species of ray-finned fish in the genus Chondrostoma.

Parachela maculicauda

Barbus leptopogon - Barbus leptopogon is a species of ray-finned fish in the genus Barbus.

Devario peninsulae

Bangana lemassoni

Leaping barb - Chela caeruleostigmata is a species of ray-finned fish in the Cyprinidae family.

Puntius kamalika

Orangetail shiner

Luciosoma bleekeri

Order Cyprinodontiformes

Xenophallus umbratilis

Phalloceros leptokeras

Brachyrhaphis roseni

Phallichthys tico

Simpsonichthys perpendicularis

Soconusco gambusia

Xiphophorus kallmani

Phallotorynus fasciolatus

Simpsonichthys adornatus

Rivulus cyanopterus

Champoton gambusia

Olmec priapella

Pamphorichthys scalpridens

Neoheterandria tridentiger

Pseudopoecilia austrocolumbiana

Scolichthys greenwayi

Simpsonichthys rufus

Fundulopanchax avichang

Brachyrhaphis parismina

Cynopoecilus multipapillatus

Phalloceros elachistos

Picotee livebearer

Rivulus giarettai

Swordtail platy

Simpsonichthys ocellatus

Brachyrhaphis cascajalensis

Callopanchax huwaldi

Nothobranchius krammeri

Palenque priapella

Pamphorichthys hollandi

Neoheterandria cana

Whitefin pupfish

Phalloptychus eigenmanni

Jenynsia onca

Brachyrhaphis roswithae

Simpsonichthys picturatus

Brachyrhaphis hessfeldi

Cynopoecilus fulgens

Phalloceros aspilos

Mixed swordtail

Phallotorynus jucundus

Knife livebearer

Simpsonichthys igneus

Hypsopanchax deprimozi

Rivulus dapazi

Barred livebearer

Priapichthys puetzi

Cardinal Nothobranchius

Pseudopoecilia festae

Scolichthys iota

Freckled splitfin

Fundulopanchax kamdemi

Brachyrhaphis punctifer

Cynopoecilus nigrovittatus

Grijalva studfish

Phalloceros enneaktinos

Heterandria tuxtlaensis

Phallichthys quadripunctatus

Rivulus rossoi

Simpsonichthys parallelus

Brachyrhaphis episcopi

Aphyosemion campomaanense

Nothobranchius rosenstocki

Isthmian priapella

Pamphorichthys pertapeh

Neoheterandria elegans


Brachyrhaphis terrabensis

Pygmy killifish

Guzman pupfish

Barred misquitofish

Simpsonichthys rosaceus

Orestias piacotensis

Brachyrhaphis holdridgei

Cynopoecilus intimus

Dusky millions fish - Phalloceros caudimaculatus is a species fish of often kept in aquariums, because of the relative ease of breeding.

Southern mountain swordtail

Alfaro huberi

Simpsonichthys longignatus

Rivulus egens

Aphanius isfahanensis

Nothobranchius hengstleri

Pamphorichthys hasemani

Austrolebias reicherti

Order Gymnotiformes

Sternarchogiton labiatus - S.

Gymnotus diamantinensis

Sternarchogiton preto - As its scientific name suggests, S.

Compsaraia samueli

Order Mugiliformes

Burmese mullet


Abu mullet

Shark mullet

Order Osmeriformes

Australian smelt - Widely distributed through the south eastern part of the Australian mainland.

Order Osteoglossiformes

Heterotis - Like the other Osteoglossids, the African arowana is a long-bodied fish with large scales, long dorsal and anal fins set far back on the body, and a rounded caudal fin.

Southern Churchill

Clown featherback

Freshwater butterflyfish - Freshwater butterfly fish are small, no more than 13 centimetres in length, with very large pectoral fins.

Shad mooneye - The scientific name means shad-like toothed hyoid .

Australian bonytongue - S.

Freshwater herring

Spotted bonytongue - Along with the gulf saratoga , the saratoga is also known as the Australian arowana and barramundi, although the latter name is nowadays reserved in Australia for the unrelated Lates calcarifer.

Order Perciformes

Cyprichromis coloratus

Paracyprichromis brieni - Paracyprichromis brieni is a species of fish in the Cichlidae family.

Haplotaxodon microlepis - Haplotaxodon microlepis is a species of fish in the Cichlidae family.

Pholidochromis cerasina - List of marine aquarium fish species

Bathybates graueri - Bathybates graueri is a species of fish in the Cichlidae family.

Pseudogobiopsis festivus

Apistogramma erythrura

Toxotes blythii

Percina crypta

Paretroplus menarambo - Species requires lots of room for breeding.

Betta apollon

Pachyurus junki

Leptophilypnus panamensis

Bathybates minor - Bathybates minor is a species of fish in the Cichlidae family.

Elephant ear gourami

Diplotaxodon limnothrissa - Diplotaxodon limnothrissa is a species of fish in the Cichlidae family.

Bloomfield river cod - The species name wujalwujalensis comes from the Wujal Wujal Aboriginal community on the Bloomfield River, and the genus name Guyu comes from the tribe's name for this fish.

Crenicichla hadrostigma


Macropodus hongkongensis

Giant cichlid - This is arguably the largest cichlid, growing to a length of over 90 cm and weighing up to 4-5 kg.

Badis tuivaiei

Pachyurus calhamazon

Paretroplus gymnopreopercularis

Zander - The zander is a common and popular game fish in Europe.

Paracyprichromis nigripinnis - Paracyprichromis nigripinnis is a species of fish in the Cichlidae family.

Haplotaxodon trifasciatus

Bathybates hornii - Bathybates hornii is a species of fish in the Cichlidae family.

Apistogramma huascar

Gymnogobius isaza

Spotted archerfish

Perissodus eccentricus

Sicyopterus sarasini

Pandaka lidwilli

Forktail lates - The forktail lates is a species of fish in the Latidae family.

Guianacara cuyunii

Pachyurus stewarti

Australoheros scitulus

Neolamprologus cancellatus

Betta ferox

Pachypops pigmaeus

Nandus mercatus


Pygmy sleeper

Plagioscion montei

Bathybates vittatus - Bathybates vittatus is a species of fish in the Cichlidae family.

Haplochromis rubripinnis

Bathybates fasciatus - Bathybates fasciatus is a species of fish in the Cichlidae family.

Eugnathogobius stictos

Cave gudgeon - The blind gudgeon is a species of fish in the Eleotridae family.

Crenicichla mandelburgeri

Black paradise fish

Cardiopharynx schoutedeni - Cardiopharynx schoutedeni is a species of fish in the Cichlidae family.

Ptychochromoides vondrozo - Ptychochromoides vondrozo is a species of fish in the Cichlidae family.

Baileychromis centropomoides - Baileychromis centropomoides is a species of fish in the Cichlidae family.

Benthochromis melanoides - Benthochromis melanoides is a species of fish in the Cichlidae family.

Pachyurus gabrielensis

Copadichromis atripinnis

Aulonocranus dewindti - Aulonocranus dewindti is a species of fish in the Cichlidae family.

Paretroplus lamenabe

Hemibates stenosoma - Hemibates stenosoma is a species of fish endemic to Lake Tanganyika in East Africa.

Mesopristes iravi

Bathybates leo - Bathybates leo is a species of fish in the Cichlidae family.

Parambassis pulcinella

Apistogramma pantalone

Gymnogobius zhoushanensis

Toxotes kimberleyensis

Macropodus erythropterus

Guianacara stergiosi

Crenicichla empheres

Betta pallida

Parosphromenus harveyi

Polynemus bidentatus

Divandu albimarginatus

Pachypops trifilis

Pseudosphromenus dayi

Gerres mozambiquensis

Order Salmoniformes

Sakhalinian char

Thymallus svetovidovi

Salvelinus gritzenkoi

Lower Amur grayling

Salvelinus taimyricus


Bonneville cisco - The species is listed as a Wildlife Species of Concern by the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources.

Kiyi - This is one of the smaller ciscoes.

Order Scorpaeniformes

Big Baikal oilfish

Longfin Baikal sculpin

Little Baikal oilfish

Asprocottus minor

Order Siluriformes

Ageneiosus magoi

Batchwa vacha

Gangetic ailia

Ageneiosus pardalis

Ageneiosus brevis

Trichomycterus megantoni

Silurichthys hasseltii

Chiapas catfish - It first came to the attention of scientists in 1996 when Rócio Rodiles-Hernández, a Mexican ichthyologist conducting a biotic survey on the river, collected the first specimens from the Chiapas-Guatemala border.

Ageneiosus ucayalensis

Auchenipterus dentatus

Bottlenose catfish

Batchwa vacha

Silver catfish

Entomocorus radiosus - Entomocorus radiosus is a species of catfish of family Auchenipteridae.

Microglanis malabarbai

Ageneiosus piperatus

Gelanoglanis nanonocticolus

Haplochromis quads

Pseudobagrus kyphus

Silurichthys indragiriensis

Ageneiosus vittatus

Baryancistrus beggini


Ageneiosus atronasus

Highwaterman catfish

Pangasius rheophilus

Ageneiosus polystictus

Order Syngnathiformes

Syngnathus schmidti

Order Tetraodontiformes

Auriglobus amabilis

Monotretus turgidus - Monotretus turgidus is a genus of Tetraodontidae.