Barbus - Barbus is a ray-finned fish genus in the family Cyprinidae.
Pseudobarbus - This genus is restricted to southern Africa; all of its species were formerly placed in Barbus, the genus of typical barbels and their relatives.
Coreoleuciscus - Coreoleuciscus splendidus of the monotypic genus Coreoleuciscus, also known as the Swiri or Korean Splendid Dace, is a species of fish from the cyprinid family endemic to rivers of the Korean peninsula.
Ctenopharyngodon - In the United States, the fish is also known as White Amur, a name developed to avoid use of the name "carp", which has derogatory connotations in North America.
Notropis - Notropis, commonly known as the eastern shiners or simply "shiners", is a genus of cyprinid fish found in North America, and is the second largest genus of freshwater fish on the continent.
Tor - The word 'tor' is also used in southern Wales, particularly on the rocky coastlines such as the Vale of Glamorgan and the Gower Peninsula; on the Gower one of the sandy beaches near Oxwich Bay is called "Tor Bay" because the beach is framed by a huge outcrop of carboniferous limestone.
Parator - The term has hence referred to a beadle in a university, a pursuivant or herald; particularly, in Roman Catholic canon law, which was largely inspired by Roman law, Apparitor remained an official title for an officer in ecclesiastical courts designated to serve the summons, to arrest a person accused, and in ecclesiastico-civil procedure, to take possession, physically or formally, of the property in dispute, in order to secure the execution of the judge's sentence, in countries where the ecclesiastical forum, in its substantial integrity, is recognized.
Rastrineobola - Being a fast-swimming smallish fish of the open waters, it has been better able to withstand the ecological upheaval caused mainly by the introduced predator Lates niloticus than most other local species.
Schizothorax - Other "snowtrouts" – most if not all presumably closely related to Schizothorax – are found in the genera Diptychus, Ptychobarbus, Schizopyge and Schizopygopsis.