Gobio acutipinnatus

* Gobio gobio acutipinnatus (non Menschikov, 1939) * Gobio gobio albanicus Oliva, 1961 * Gobio gobio balcanicus Dimovski & Grupche, 1977 * Gobio gobio brevicirris Fowler, 1976 * Gobio gobio brevicirris Berg, 1914 * Gobio gobio bulgarica Drensky, 1926 More

Gobio gobio acutipinnatus (non Menschikov, 1939). Status: errode d'identificazione, nomenclatura non valida. Gobio gobio microlepidotus Battalgil, 1942. Türkiye tatli su baliklari hakkinda. Contribution à la connaissance des poissons des eaux douces de la Turquie. Rev. Fac. Sci. Univ. Istanbul (Sér. More

Gobio gobio acutipinnatus (Non Menschikov, 1939) 5. Gobio gobio brevicirris Berg, 1914 6. Gobio gobio carpathicus Delyamure, 1937 7. Gobio gobio katopyga Berg, 1914 8. More

Picture of Gobio acutipinnatus has been licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial.
Original source: FishBase
-Information Center Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences -Author: Information Center Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences
Permission: Some rights reserved
Order : Cypriniformes
Family : Cyprinidae
Genus : Gobio
Species : Gobio acutipinnatus
Authority : Men'shikov, 1939