The Gymnocypris eckloni lives in the benthopelagic, freshwater environment.
species Gymnocypris eckloni and Gymnocypris przewalskii, and together formed a monophyletic clade with high boostrap values (99% for the MP tree and 98% for Bayesian tree); the rest 11 haplotypes (NMX1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16) together with Schizopygopsis pylzovi from More
Gymnocypris eckloni Herzenstein, 1891Gymnocypris gasterolepidus Herzenstein, 1891; (synonym) Gymnocypris maculatus Herzenstein, 1891; (synonym) - ?Gymnocypris gibberis Tchang, Yueh & Hwang, 1964 - ?Gymnocypris hobsonii Stewart, 1911 - More
coefficient of Gymnocypris eckloni is the highest in reach above Lanzhou, it is the representative original fish living in cold water in the source area; in reach of Lanzhou-Huayuankou, the protection coefficient of coreius hetreodon is the highest, so the coreius hetreodon is More
Osman Ecklonův in Czech (česky)
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花斑裸鲤 in Mandarin Chinese