Alisterus - The king parrots are three species of medium-sized parrots in the genus Alisterus; the Australian King Parrot , the Papuan King Parrot , and the Moluccan King Parrot .
Deroptyus - The Red-fan Parrot possesses elongated neck feathers that can be raised to form an elaborate fan, which greatly increases the bird's apparent size, and is possibly used when threatened.
Lathamus - The Swift Parrot is endangered with only about 1000 pairs remaining in the wild, and its population is declining.
Leptosittaca - The Golden-plumed Parakeet is a Neotropical parrot species within the Psittacidae family, belonging to the monotypic genus Leptosittaca.
Ognorhynchus - The Yellow-eared Parrot nests and lives among wax palms in a few areas of Western and Central Cordillera of Colombia; were it inhabits cloud forests about 1800 – 3000 meters above sea level.
Orthopsittaca - It is a resident bird in tropical Amazonian South America, from Colombia and Trinidad south to Amazonian Peru and Bolivia, and central Brazil as far as the northwestern cerrado of Brazil.
Psittacula - Members of the parrot genus Psittacula or Afro-Asian Ringnecked parakeets as they are commonly known in aviculture originates found from Africa to South-East Asia.
Strigops - Kakapo are critically endangered; as of February 2010, only 123 Two large Fiordland islands, Resolution and Secretary, have been the subject of large-scale ecological restoration activities to prepare self-sustaining ecosystems with suitable habitat for the Kakapo.