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The Great Green Macaw, Ara ambiguus, also known as Buffon's Macaw or the Great Military Macaw, is a Central and South American parrot found in Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia and Ecuador. Two allopatric subspecies are recognized, the nominate subspecies is found in Central America to northern Colombia, while A. a. guayaquilensis is found in western Ecuador and possibly south-western Colombia.
The Great Green Macaw is classified as Endangered (EN), considered to be facing a very high risk of extinction in the wild.
Male Great Green Macaw in a cage. Description - Great Green Macaws are the largest parrots in their natural range, averaging 85–90 cm (33–36 in) long and 1.3 kg (2.9 lb) in weight. They are mainly green and have a reddish forehead and pale blue lower back, rump and upper tail feathers. Tail is brownish red tipped with very pale blue. More
The Great Green Macaw en route to extinction - The great green macaw (Ara ambigua) has a limited distribution in the Atlantic wet lowlands of Central America, from Honduras to northern Colombia, with a small isolated population in Guayaquil, Ecuador. In Costa Rica, this species is currently limited to the Northern Zone, more specifically to the area between the San Carlos, San Juan, and Sarapiqu More
Great green macaw perched on palm leaf Great green macaw perched on palm leafPrint factsheet Facts - Also known as: Buffon’s macaw Spanish: Guacamayo Ambiguo Kingdom Animalia Phylum Chordata Class Aves Order Psittaciformes Family Psittacidae More
Subject: Great Green Macaw/Buffon ............................Proposal................................................... Project Summary: Species Facts The Great Green Macaw, Ara ambigua, has a limited spatial distribution if compared to other macaw species (Forshaw, 1989). Its distribution is restricted to the lowland tropical wet forests of Central and South America. It is found from eastern Honduras, and as far as western Colombia and Ecuador (Stiles & Skutch, 1989, R. Ridgley pers. comm. 1993). More
Great Green Macaw) is to protect biological diversity, including migratory bird species, through the protection of habitat for the Great Green Macaw and the creation of local conservation initiatives. Golden-winged Warbler, photo by Dennis Malueg Migratory Birds - Migratory bird species that breed in North America and winter in Mexico, the Caribbean, and Central and South America, are known as neo-tropical migrants. More
Great Green Macaw at nest hole © Luiz Claudio Marigo | http://www.lcmarigo.com.br/ingles/index. More
Green Macaw The great green macaw (Ara ambiguus) has a limited distribution in the Atlantic wet lowlands of Central America, from Honduras south to northern Colombia, with a small isolated population in the Pacific in Esmeraldas and Guayaquil, Ecuador. The world population is about 7.000 individuals. In Costa Rica, this species is currently limited to approximately 600 km2 of tropical very wet forest in the northern part of the country, in the border area with Nicaragua. More
Director, Great Green Macaw Education in Conservation Project Environmental Association VIDA = Worldwide The great green macaw, Ara ambigua, the second largest new world Psittacine, has a limited distribution, restricted to lowland wet forests between eastern Honduras and western Colombia (A. a. ambigua), with a small isolated population of less than 2 dozen individuals near Guayaquil, in western Ecuador (A. a. guayaquilensis; Waugh, 1995). More
The Great Green Macaw, also called Buffon's Macaw (Ara ambiguus) is a Central American parrot found in Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia and Ecuador. Great Green Macaw Characteristics Great Green Macaws are green, with a reddish forehead and pale blue lower back rump and upper tail cover feathers. Their tails are brownish red tipped with very pale blue. The Great Green Macaw can grow to measure 85 - 90 centimetres in length. More
The great green macaw is a stunning parrot with vibrant plumage. The head, back and upper wing are olive green in colour whilst the rest of the wings and tip of the tail are blue (4). There is a scarlet red patch on the tail and on the forehead, whilst the rest of the face is bare with distinctive lines of black feathers (2). The Ecuadorian subspecies Ara ambigua guayaquilensis can be distinguished by its green tail feathers (5) and narrower bill (4). More
Great Green Macaws, which had almost disappeared in Tortuguero, are now frequently seen, thanks to the prohibition on logging the tropical almond, the Macaws' main food source. The decking for the docks at Tortuga Lodge, which was originally made from tropical almond, is now being replaced by synthetic decking made in Costa Rica. The Great Green Macaw lives primarily in the canopy of the lowland forest, where it finds its preferred food, the fruit of a giant legume tree. More
The Great Green macaw is an endangered and beautiful bird of Caribbean lowland rainforests. Its last stronghold appears to be along the Nicaraguan border near Laguna del Lagarto Lodge and Tortuguero NP. The Field Guide to the Wildlife of Costa Rica has this to say about the Great Green: "The intense green-and-blue body, highlighted by red tail feathers, make this imposing member of the parrot family a stunning symbol of the country's diminishing rainforests. More
great green macaws in northern Costa Rica located immediately south of the San Juan River, the border between Costa Rica and Nicaragua. We concentrated on the region between the Sarapiqu More
Great Green Macaws in 1998 sank to just 210 by the year 2000. The vulnerability of this species reflects the complex ecological repercussions of our actions and how dramatically important it is for us to understand the effects of our actions. Diet The Great Green Macaw relies heavily on the fruit of the swamp almond tree, Dipteryx panamensis. Height/Weight Adults reach a length of 79 cm and a weight of 1.3 kg. More
Did You Know?The Great Green Macaw has been hybridized (bred) with Scarlet Macaw in captivity. Species Profile Genus: Ara Species: ambiguus Size: Adult Weight: 77-85 cm (30-33 in) 1300g (45.5 oz) Races including nominate: two: A.a. ambiguus, A.a. guayaquilensis Colourization Adult: A.a. More
The Great Green Macaw can be aggressive towards the keeper during the breeding season. These macaws require more privacy than the other macaws if they are to be bred successfully. Nest boxes are best positioned so the nest inspection can be carried out from outside the aviary. Nest inspection is best done when the adult birds are out of the nest. Artificial incubation and hand rearing or fostering will not be covered on this web site. More
The Great Green macaws have greatly differing behaviour patterns from the Scarlet macaws, and whilst the Scarlets are much more "feisty" the Great Greens are more "gentle giants" and this behaviour trait must also be taken in great consideration. More
The Great Green Macaw is a large parrot that lives in Costa Rica, Panama, Nicaragua, Colombia and Ecuador. It is a beautiful green and blue bird with a reddish forehead. More
A great green macaw at the Cerro Blanco Protected Forest in Ecuador. This one was rescued from the pet trade so can't be released back into the wild/ Copyright (c) 2007 Wendee Holtcamp In the 1990s, The Peace Corps sent Eric Horstman to Bosque Protector Cerro Blanco (Cerro Blanco Protected Forest), a dry tropical forest near Ecuador's largest city, Guayaquil. It was a far cry from the Amazon jungle he initially dreamed of, but he grew to love the place. More
BirdLife The Great Green Macaw is classified as Endangered Zoom In New hope for Great Green Macaw = 29-07-2005 The Ecuadorian Minister of the Environment has signed a decree putting into effect a conservation strategy for the Great Green Macaw Ara ambigua. More
Great Green Macaw I Love Great Green Macaws Great Green Macaw Products (Displaying 1 - 30 of 64) displayName displayName displayName I Love Great Green Macaws mousepads I Love Great Green Macaws I Love Great Green Macaws stickers I Love Great Green Macaws I Love Great Green Macaws t-shirts I Love Great Green Macaws I Love Great Green Macaws aprons I Love Great Green Macaws I Love Great Green Macaws More
Great Green Macaw, consists of fruits, high quality pellets (preferably organic), and vegetables. In the wild, they mostly feed on berries and nuts as well as other vegetation which they find within the forest treetops. An interesting facet to the Military Macaws eating habits is that they spend a great deal of time at macaw licks. More