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Psittacus monachus Boddaert, 1783 Bolborrhynchus luchsi Finsch, 1868 Myiopsitta luchsi but see text
The Monk parakeet is classified as Least Concern. Does not qualify for a more at risk category. Widespread and abundant taxa are included in this category.
Like the other Neotropical parrots, the Monk Parakeet is usually placed in the tribe Arini, which might warrant elevation to subfamily rank as Arinae. M. monachus belongs to the long-tailed clade of these – macaws and conures, essentially –, which would retain the name Arini/Arinae if this polyphyletic group is split. Ecology and behavior - Nests in Zaragoza, Spain. The Monk Parakeet is globally very common, and even the rather localized Cliff Parakeet is generally common. More
The Monk Parakeet is the only parrot that builds a stick nest, in a tree or on a man-made structure, rather than using a hole in a tree. This gregarious species often breeds colonially, building a single large nest with separate entrances for each pair. In the wild, the colonies can become quite large, with pairs occupying separate "apartments" in nests that can reach the size of a small automobile. More
Description: The monk parakeet is a small (about 30 cm in total length), stocky, mostly green parrot with a gray or off-white face, cheeks, and throat, a usually gray breast with white bars, bright yellow lower abdominal and vent areas, blue-black flight feathers, long green tail feathers, a pale orange or yellow bill, and gray legs, while immature birds are bright green with greenish foreheads (Long 1981, Sick 1993, Beaman and Madge 1998, Juniper and Parr 1998, and Spreyer and Bucher 1998). More
Monk Parakeet is a small, stocky parrot, very popular as cage bird, but considered as a beautiful invader. Monk Parakeet is mostly green with pale grey to whitish forehead, face, chin and throat. Breast is whitish barred with grey. Belly and vent are yellow. Wings are dull green with blue-black flight feathers. Tail is long, with green uppertail, and pale blue-green undertail feathers. Thick bill is pale flesh coloured to yellowish brown. Eyes are dark brown. More
Distribution of the Monk Parakeet in North America. Native of South America from central Bolivia and southern Brazil south to central Argentina, the Monk Parakeet is popular as a pet bird in the United States. In North America, free-flying Monk Parakeets (escapees) date back to the 1960s. Early on, it was feared that this parakeet would thrive in its new home, ravaging crops as its range expanded. More
The Monk Parakeet or Quaker Parrot (Myiopsitta monachus) is a species of parrot, the only member of the monotypic genus Myiopsitta. It originates from the temperate to subtropical areas of Argentina and the surrounding countries in South America. Self-sustaining feral populations occur in many places, mainly in North America and Europe. Description Female pet Monk Parakeet The nominate subspecies of this parakeet is 29 cm long on average, with a 48 cm wingspan, and weighs 100 g. Females tend to be 10-20% smaller. More
Monk Parakeets in Hyde Park and beyond A service of Hyde Park-Kenwood Community Conference, its Parks Committee and its website www.hydepark.org. Join the Parks Committee- chair Gary Ossewaarde. Join the Conference, help support our work. Bird and Birding home. Harold Washington Park Another site: www.monkparakeet.com Various features on Hyde Park's avian mascot. See at end a call for volunteeer to help map their out migration. More
monk parakeets copyright Steve Baldwin Not much larger than a Blue Jay Cyanocitta cristata at around 11.5 in/29.2 cm - half of which is a long pointed tail! - Monk Parakeets are small, noisy parrots native to South America, occurring in large numbers from central Bolivia to south Brazil, Uruguay and Argentina. Three or four subspecies are usually recognised based on geographical variation in wing length, bill size, body mass and plumage coloration: M. m. monachus in southeastern Brazil, Uruguay, and northeastern Argentina; M. More
The Monk Parakeet is a small, sturdy, green-grey bird with an orange beak, a gray face and neck, a grey wrinkled upper chest, a green tail and back, green-blue wings, and gray limbs. These parakeets communicate through a constant dialogue of squawks and screeches, using this language as a shared signaling system that warns of approaching predators or other hazardous conditions. More
Monk Parakeets in North America Institute for Biological Invasions Monk Parakeets: Why here? Connecticut Audubon Perfessor Birdsley's Monk Parakeet and Birding Pages - Return to Dr. More
The Monk Parakeet has a large range, estimated globally at 2,800,000 square kilometers. Native to Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Uruguay, and Paraguay, and present in various parts of Europe, Asia, and North America, this bird prefers subtropical or tropical forest and dry savanna ecosystems, though it has been known to live in many artificial environments such as rural and urban areas. More
This fact sheet introduces the Monk Parakeet, and is one of a series of fact sheets about Florida's established non-native birds and their impacts on our native ecosystems, economy, and the quality of life of Floridians. For more information on Florida's introduced birds, how they got here, and the problems they cause, read "Florida's Introduced Birds: An Overview," http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/UW297 and the other fact sheets in this series, http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/topic_series_floridas_introduced_birds. More
By the 1970s there were so many monk parakeets that a national eradication program was launched. It reduced the population to perhaps several hundred birds in about seven localities. However, they rebounded so well that they are the most widely distributed bird species in the United States, according to Stephen Pruett-Jones, an associate professor of ecology and evolution at the University of Chicago. He maintains that the monk population doubles every year. More
It is presently included with the Monk Parakeet because there is too little up-to-date research on which an authoritative taxonomic decision could be based. The AOU for example has deferred recognizing the Cliff Parakeet as distinct "because of insufficient published data". More
The Monk Parakeet has established feral colonies around the United States, mostly in Florida, Connecticut, New York, Texas, New Jersey, and Illinois. When I moved to Florida, I was delighted to see the large population of wild Quaker Parrots (sub-species of the Monk Parakeet) who have made this their home. They are not indigenous to this area - and are escaped or freed pets or breeder birds. More
The monk parakeet is approximately 12 inches in length, with a bright green body, deep blue primary feathers, yellowish green underparts and a sharply pointed long blue-green tail. The distinguishing markings and the source of its name is the gray forehead, face and breast which give the appearance of a hood, (i.e., a monk's hood). The breast feathers have darker edges giving a scaled impression. Their eyes are brown, their legs are gray and their bills are beige. More
Identification: The Monk parakeet is a parrot of average size, reaching a length of about 29cm (11 1/2 inches) from head to tip of tail. Both females and males have a bright green body, gray forehead, cheeks and breast, blue-black flight feathers, gray legs and a rosy, pale orange or yellow beak. This parrot is the only species of its genus, and is the only Psittaciform that builds its nest out of sticks. More
Species Account: The Monk Parakeet is native to South America east of the Andes from Bolivia to central Argentina (Forshaw 1973). Its initial introduction date into Florida is unknown, but it has been established in the Miami area since at least 1969 (Owre 1973). By 1975, this species was reported from 30 states, but large colonies existed only in Florida, California, Illinois, and New York (Neidermyer and Hickey 1977). It is often found in city parks. More
For many decades now, the Monk Parakeet from South America has been residing here in North America. Unfortunately, like everything else that settles in a new land, there has been some battles fought between the newcomers and the natives. Contents at a Glance 1. MY FIRST SIGHTING 2. MONK IN FLIGHT 3. A LOOK AT THE MONKS IN BROOKLYN, NY 4. SOME FUN FACTS 5. More
Unique among parrots, monk parakeets build stick nests in trees or on manmade structures. These nests can become quite large and may house many pairs of birds (see picture above on right). Monk parakeets are also unique because they use their nests year round for roosting as well as for breeding in the spring and summer. Their nests are distinctive when they get very large (~6 feet long) and are nearly impossible to confuse with anything else. More
a couple of large communities of Monk Parakeets nesting in the date palm trees above. For an even closer look at these interesting wild parrots, go upstairs to the Pirates Galley and you will be at eye level to the Monks. As the distillery was being built and equipment installed we began to focus on the rum label and logo for Railean Rum. During a routine visit to the Pirates Galley we ran into Randy the Harbor Master and his wife Sheila who manages the Buccaneer Bar. More
Monk Parakeet colony, in Ridgefield, in the northeasternmost part of the district. IMG_0051 The video is just footage of the birds hanging out on and near their nests, located on a railroad bridge in a commercial district not far from the center of town. They are delightful to watch, but not quite as delightful to hear - as you'll learn if you play the video with the audio up. More
Those above are feral monk parakeets that have colonised Tenerife, Canary Islands. They nest in holes in palm trees. (There are also feral Ring-necked parakeets now on Tenerife.) Those below are feral monk parakeets that live in Barcelona, Spain, by the port and beside the Sagrada Familia cathedral. They gather pine twigs to construct nests in the pine trees. More
A Monk Parakeet Colony in Stamford by Dwight G. Smith and Carlos Ramirez | Winter 2008-09 Snug along Connecticut’s southwestern shoreline, only minutes from the New York state line, is the grand old city of Stamford. The fourth largest city in Connecticut and a fixture of the state’s southwestern “Gold Coast,” Stamford is rightly proud of its extensive urban renewal program that produced a magnificent skyline and its ultimate ranking as one of North America’s safest cities. More
The Quaker Parakeet or Monk Parakeet is very charming! This inquisitive bird is a great talker, enjoys human interaction, head scratching and cuddling. They are hardy, adaptable, and easy to breed. More
The Quaker Parakeet or Monk Parakeet is very charming! This inquisitive bird is a great talker, enjoys human interaction, head scratching and cuddling. They are hardy, adaptable, and easy to breed. With good socialization they can be very calm and peaceful, one of the best companions! Quaker "Monk" Parakeets are considered a very good "first" bird! Description: These parakeets are generally quiet birds and their sweet disposition makes them exceptional pets. More