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The Swift Parrot is endangered with only about 1000 pairs remaining in the wild, and its population is declining.
The Swift Parrot is classified as Endangered (EN), considered to be facing a very high risk of extinction in the wild.
The Swift Parrot Lathamus discolour is a specialised nectar and pollen feeding parrot that migrates across Bass Strait from summer breeding areas in Tasmania to winter feeding areas on mainland Australia. Photo courtesy of Chris Tzaros, Birds Australia Source: Victorian Fauna Database 2005 The Swift Parrot is the sole member of the genus Lathamus and is unusual in that it has some similar characteristics to both Lorikeets and Parrots (Psephotus and Platycercus). More
Swift Parrots breed only in Tasmania, along the eastern coastal strip, the Wellington ranges near Hobart and on Maria and Bruny Islands. Facts and figures Research Species: No Average size: 25 cm Average weight: 65 g Breeding season: September to January. Clutch size: Three to five. More
The highlight of the trip was seeing Swift Parrot in good number. Based on some direction given by a friend, I drove further along Glen Alice Road and look out for a specific property. As this weekend was also the Tree Planting weekend, a number of birders/volunteers were birdwatching along the road. About 11am, David Geering was very kind to alert me that someone has found some Swift Parrots at a particular spot. More
The Swift Parrot (Lathamus discolor) breeds in Tasmania and migrates north to south eastern Australia from Griffith-Warialda in New South Wales and west to Adelaide in the winter. It is related to the rosellas, with the feeding habits of a lorikeet. It is the only member in the genus Lathamus. The Swift Parrot is endangered with only about 1000 pairs remaining in the wild, and its population is declining. More
Swift parrot perched on branch Swift parrot perched on branchPrint factsheet Facts - Spanish: Periquito Migrador Kingdom Animalia Phylum Chordata Class Aves Order Psittaciformes Family Psittacidae Genus Lathamus (1) Size More
Swift Parrot Distribution Habitat and ecology * Migrates to the Australian south-east mainland between March and October. * On the mainland they occur in areas where eucalypts are flowering profusely or where there are abundant lerp (from sap-sucking bugs) infestations. More
* Temperament: Wild Swift Parrots are migratory capable of flying long distances e.g. Tasmania to New South Wales. Generally not an aggressive bird. As their name implies, Swift parrots are fast fliers. * Cost (Victoria) Per Pair: - Normal colour (Approx) $2000 * Description Of Adults: They resemble lorikeets and can feed on pollen and nectar. Swift Parrots have a brush tipped tongue. More
The swift parrot of Tasmania proves more valuable than lumber. - By Rachael Brugger Posted: December 11, 2008, 8:00 p.m. EDT Logging hurts the swift parrot Logging has severely affected the swift parrots breeding area. It’s a story that’s heard over and over again. Forward-moving developments for humans take a devastating toll on an animal species. In this particular variation of the familiar tale, the setting is Tasmania and the victim is the swift parrot. More
that State, and means that the Swift Parrot probably undertakes the longest migration of a parrot anywhere in the world. Because of clearing of more than 85% of these preferred wintering habitats, and continuing clearing of 500-1000 ha of its breeding habitat for commercial woodchipping every year, the breeding population of the Swift Parrot has declined markedly in the last decade. Many individuals also die after colliding with windows, tennis court fences and other structures. More
The Swift Parrot is an endangered bird species endemic to South-East Australia and Bush Heritage Reserves provides suitable habitats for their survival. - Swift Parrot, Bateau Bay, feeding in Swamp Mahogony Photo by Neville LazarusIt is well recognised that habitat loss is the major threat to swift parrots. Swift Parrots migrate the longest distance of any parrot in the world. More
Swift parrotCurrent status: The swift parrot (Lathamus discolor) is listed as endangered under the Tasmanian Threatened Species Protection Act 1995 and Endangered on the Commonwealth's Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999. Description: The swift parrot is 23-25 cm long, bigger than a budgie but smaller than a rosella. Streamlined, for rapid flight, it is green with red on the throat, chin and forehead. It also has red patches on its shoulders and under the wings. More
The Swift Parrot, (Lathamus discolor), is a small 25cm bird with bright green plumage, the throat and foreparts of its cheeks are red; borders of the facial areas are yellow; the crown of its head is dark blue; vent and under tail coverts dull red; wing primaries violet-blue and its long central tail feathers are brownish-red (Forshaw, 1981). More
The swift parrot (Lathamus discolor) is listed as endangered under the Tasmanian Threatened Species Protection Act 1995 and the Federal Act. Why is it a threatened species? The swift parrot fits the criteria because its numbers are low and do not appear to be increasing. In fact, there is some indication that its numbers may be continuing to decline. Summer counts (1995-96) estimated the population at less than 1000 breeding pairs. More
Swift Parrot perched in bush Credit: © Nora Peters | http://www.ozwildbirds.com photos Photos videoVideo 1 Video 2 eNewsletter SIGNUP FOR EMAIL UPDATES Did You Know?The Swift Parrot has a brush-like tongue as lories and lorikeets do. They also consume the sugary lerps (sweet secretions) of insects. More
Swift ParrotThis brightly colored parrot is about 25 centimetres long. Its body and wings are bright grass green, with red patches around its bill and forehead. On its throat, there is a vivid red patch edged with yellow. As it darts swiftly through the trees, you will also see bright red patches under its wings. Its head is topped with a blue-purple crown. One of the Swift Parrot’s most distinctive features is a long, thin, dark reddish-brown tail. More
Minimising the swift parrot collision threat - Guidelines and recommendations for parrot-safe building design Swift parrot - Scientific Committee determination Swifts Across the Strait - 2005 Newsletter (PDF - 1. More
The Swift Parrot (Lathamus discolor) is a migratory species which breeds mainly in the Blue Gum forests of South east Tasmania, and spends winter on mainland Australia. Recent surveys have shown that the total population of Swift Parrots in Australia may number less than 1000 pairs, the species is classified as endangered in Victoria and New South Wales, vulnerable in Tasmania and South Australia, and vulnerable in Australia. More