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The Yellow-eared Parrot nests and lives among wax palms in a few areas of Western and Central Cordillera of Colombia; were it inhabits cloud forests about 1800 – 3000 meters above sea level. It nests in the hollow trunks of the palms, usually 25-30 meters over the floor level. It also occurred very locally in the Western Cordillera of Ecuador where wax palm grows. Their numbers had been greatly reduced, and only 81 individuals were recorded in the Colombian census of 1999. Their populations have been impacted by hunting and habitat destruction, particularly the harvesting of wax palm, which was traditionally cut down and used each year on Palm Sunday. There has been no confirmed records of this parrot from Ecuador since the mid-90s.
The Yellow-eared Parrot is classified as Critically Endangered (CR), facing an extremely high risk of extinction in the wild.
The Yellow-eared Parrot (Ognorhynchus icterotis), is an endangered parrot of tropical America. It is found in the western Andes in Colombia and (perhaps only formerly) Ecuador and is closely associated to the wax palm Ceroxylon sp. which is itself endangered. More
unique behaviours of the yellow-eared parrot is the assistance of a third adult bird with parental duties, known as 'brood-helpers', which have been observed helping the breeding parents to feed and care for their chicks (4) (5). Clutches of four eggs have been recorded (2). Threats - Once numerous, the yellow-eared parrot has declined dramatically in the face of hunting for food and habitat destruction for farming and cattle ranching (4) (5). More
Yellow-eared Parrot, whose scientific name in Latin is Ognorhynchus icterotis, ranged originally the Andes mountains from mid Colombia to the north of Ecuador but the population that crossed regularly the border between these two countries apparently became extinct twelve years ago. Experts believed that this disappearance meant there were only two colonies left at Colombia More
the Yellow-eared Parrot has been recorded, and in 2009, ProAves was able to celebrate the first decade of the Ognorhynchus Project with confirmation of a population well in excess of 1,000 birds, in the Central Andean departments of Tolima and Antioquia, with Caldas in between. With this expansion of the population, the field biologists have increasingly recorded birds at greater distances, up to 100 km, from their original localities. More
yellow-eared parrot mates for life. Its main source of food are the fruits of the wax palm. Conservation efforts Some government agencies, such CORANTIOQUIA are developing plans to protect the local endangered species, including the yellow-eared. There is an international project in this topic, known as “Ognorhynchus Project” directed for ornithologists Paul Salaman and Niels Krabbe. Source(s): http://en.wikipedia. More
The yellow-eared parrot is critically endangered because of its extremely small range and shrinking habitat due to deforestation. It is bright green with yellow ear patches and a dark, heavy bill. This breathtakingly beautiful bird is also a popular species in the exotic pet trade. It is currently only thought to occur among the wax palms in the cloud forests of the Colombian Andes. More
Yellow-eared Parrot Conservation Corridor Cloud forest Yellow-eared Parrot Conservation Corridor established In April 2009, World Land Trust-US was presented with an urgent appeal to purchase critically endangered habitat in Colombia, home to five endangered parrot species at imminent risk of extinction. Recognizing the critical importance of this appeal, a WLT-US donor - Frank Friedrich Kling from Illinois - committed to funding half the acquisition cost as part of a matching gift campaign. More
yellow-eared parrots whose discovery in mid-April was ecstasy for bird conservationists. * "Its wonderful that they have survived. Now there's a real chance of saving the species," said Niels Krabbe, a Danish Ornithologist. His sighting of 17 yellow-eared parrots in neighbouring Ecuador five years ago was the first scientifically recorded observation in nearly 80 years. More
Yellow-eared parrot (The Ognorhynchus Project) has achieved two unprecedented records: the finding of 52 Yellow-eared Parrot active nests in April, and of 132 chicks between May and June. This is a major milestone for a bird that was down to less than 100 just 10 years ago. The precious highest number of active nests found during the project, which is supported by Loro Parque Fundación, had just been 25. More
site for the Yellow-eared Parrot for reproduction and feeding due to the presence of the Wax Palm and key foraging trees such as Cytharexilum subflavescens, Croton magdalenensis and Sapium utyle. Farm La Antioqueña farm and Yellow-eared Parrot Bird Reserve. Farm La Antioqueña farm and Yellow-eared Parrot Bird Reserve. Private conservation area The farm is owned by Julia Amparo Velásquez Mejía and Gildardo Alzate Gómez, two veterinary doctors devoted to conservation, have owned the land for twenty years ago. More
The Yellow-eared parrot -Ognorhynchus icterotis- is an Andean species the size of a small macaw, 42 cms. approximately, when it reaches maturity. With a strong herd instinct it moves regionally and depends on the Ceroxylon, spp. - wax Palm trees- since it needs it to eat, sleep and nest. At present it is one of the most endangered parrot species due to the destruction of its habitat and shooting of individuals. More
Yellow-eared Parrot Conservation Corridor Campaign Yellow-eared Parrot Project Snaphot LOCATION: Western Cordillera of Colombia; AREA FOR ACQUISITION: 45,000 acres; KEY SPECIES: Yellow-eared Parrot and Fuertes's Parrot (Critically Endangered), Spectacled Bear (Vulnerable), Mountain Tapir (Endangered); HABITAT: Cloud forest and paramo; THREATS: These sensitive habitats are being destroyed for cattle ranching and potato cultivation; LOCAL PARTNER: ProAves Colombia; ACTION: Acquire 7,448 acres; FINANCIAL NEED: $148,000 for land purchase; Donations to date: More
Colombian Yellow-eared Parrot population has now climbed to more than 1,000 individuals. ProAves is now recommending downlisting of the species from Critically Endangered to Endangered on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. ProAves’ efforts have centered on habitat conservation with a strong educational component. More
Yellow-eared Parrot is found in Ecuador and Colombia and thought to number less than 150 birds Zoom In Campaign for palms and parrots = 11-04-2006 With the slogan ¡Si vuelan las Palmas, palman los loros! ("If the palms fly away, the parrots will too!"), a national campaign was launched in Ecuador on 30 March for the conservation of the Wax Palm, the Yellow-eared Parrot and the More
the yellow-eared parrot has not been sighted at all in recent years, and is believed to number less than 150 nation-wide. Providing Education and Alternatives In cooperation with the government and other conservation groups, Aves and Conservation has embarked on a program designed to alert local people of the plight of both palms and parrots. Local Catholic churches have been cooperating in the effort, encouraging members to use corn stalks and Eucalyptus in place of palms. More
Yellow-eared Parrot was once common in the Andes of Ecuador and Colombia, but declined owing to unsustainable exploitation of the quindío wax palm upon which it is dependent for roosting, nesting and feeding. This palm has become highly threatened owing to the use of its fronds to adorn Palm Sunday processions. However, a highly successful publicity campaign backed by the Catholic Church has engendered considerable public support. More
The Yellow-eared parrot is about 42 cm in length. Its underparts, sides of the neck and lower cheeks are dark green. The forehead, lores, upper cheeks and ear coverts are all yellow. The Stomach is yellowish-green becoming darker down towards thighs and under tail-coverts. It has green-yellow under wing-coverts, the undersides of the flight feathers are dull yellow. The tail is green above and dusky orange below. This parrot has a large, dark grey to black bill and grey legs. More
The yellow-eared parrot was made the official bird of Colombia town. - By Jessica Pineda Posted: January 13, 2010, 2:00 p.m EDT Courtesy Pro Aves (ProAves.org) Click on image to enlarge The yellow-eared parrot was made the official bird of the Municipality of Jardin. The yellow-eared parrot was made the official bird of the Municipality of Jardin, Department of Antioquia in Colombia, and it has also been included on the town's shield. More
Yellow-eared Parrot Ognorhynchus icterotis Species Champion Become a BirdLife Species Champion for this bird For information about BirdLife Species Champions and Species Guardians visit the BirdLife Preventing Extinctions Programme. 2009 IUCN Red List Category (as evaluated by BirdLife International - the official Red List Authority for birds for IUCN): Critically Endangered Justification This species is Critically Endangered because the known breeding range is extremely small. More
The Yellow-eared Parrot (Ognorhynchus icterotis), is an endangered parrot of tropical America. It is endemic to a narrow area of andean mountains in Colombia and is closely associated to the wax palm Ceroxylon quindiuense which is itself an endangered species. Range and habitat - This species lives in a few areas of the Western and Central Cordillera of Colombia with the presence of Wax palm where the parrot can nest and live. More