Mountain gazelle
Order : Artiodactyla
Family : Bovidae
Subfamily : Antilopinae
Species : Gazella gazella
The Idmi, mountain gazelle is listed as Vulnerable (VU), considered to be facing a high risk of extinction in the wild, on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species
Namings for the mountain gazelle
A young / baby of a mountain gazelle is called a 'calf'.Mountain gazelle habitats
Artificial / Terrestrial, Coastal Sand Dunes, Desert, Hot Desert, Marine Coastal / Supratidal and PasturelandSome facts about the
Mountain gazelle
Adult weight : 23.25 kg (51.15 lbs)
Maximum longevity : 18 years
Female maturity :476 days
Gestation : 180 days
Weaning : 88 days
Litter size : 1
Litters per year : 2
Interval between litters : 297 days
Weight at birth : 2.36 kg (5.192 lbs)
Facts about the mountain gazelle
A Mountain gazelle is a mammal.
Mountain Gazelle is usually quite easy to see here, and other mammals can include Jackal.
Mountain gazelles are "mixed feeders," taking grass as they browse.
The belly is white and the dark stripe between the white underside and the beige flanks and back of the gazelle, a distinguishing feature of the mountain gazelle, is absent.
The Four-horned Antelope or Chowsingha (Tetracerus quadricornis) is rare and inhabits the hilly, dry forest and the Indian Gazelle or Chinkara (Gazella gazella) is found in the peripheries of the Park in open and scrub country.
The Mountain Gazelle (Gazella gazella gazella) is found in Palestine. (Full text)
The mountain gazelle ( Gazella gazella ) is of particular interest since it was intensively exploited immediately prior to the origins of agriculture but was never domesticated. (Full text)
The mountain gazelle is also a solitary species; the few small groups of gazelles usually consist of a mother and her offspring, perhaps accompanied by another female. (Full text)
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