Chamois, goats, serows, sheep, and relatives
Order : Artiodactyla
Family : Bovidae
Subfamily : Caprinae
Facts about the subfamily Caprinae, the chamois, goats, serows, sheep, and relatives
CAPRIMULGUS See "Nightjar" CAPRINAE Caprinae is a sub-family of even-toed ungulates of the Bovidae.
Caprinae Caprinae is a sub-family of even-toed ungulates of the Bovidae.
Horn growth in Caprinae is affected by several factors including age and nutrition, and analysis of annual horn increments can be used to interpret past events.
The subfamily Caprinae is one of the 9 subfamilies that comprise the family Bovidae, which includes the subfamily Bovinae and comprises the bison, buffalo, and wild and domestic cattle.
The taxonomy of Caprinae is in need of revision.
The tribe Caprinae is represented by the following genera: Ammotragus, Pseudois, Hemitragus, Ovis and Capra.
Thus, for first time the appearence of a real member of the Caprinae is reported from that early mammal stage (MN 13/14). (Full text)