Long-fingered bat
Order : Chiroptera
Family : Vespertilionidae
Subfamily : Vespertilioninae
Species : Myotis capaccinii
The Long-fingered bat is listed as Vulnerable (VU), considered to be facing a high risk of extinction in the wild, on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species
Namings for the longfingered bat
A young / baby of a longfingered bat is called a 'pup'. A longfingered bat group is called a 'colony or cloud'.Countries
Albania, Algeria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, France, Greece, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Italy, Jordan, Lebanon, Macedonia, Morocco, Romania, Russia, Serbia and Montenegro, Slovenia, Spain, Tunisia, Turkey and Uzbekistan
Facts about the long-fingered bat
One of the largest roosts of Schreiber’s long-fingered bat is De Hoop Guano cave, where approximately 300 000 bats live.
The long-fingered bat (Myotis capaccinii), is classified as vulnerable or endangered throughout most of its European range, but effective conservation is difficult because so little is known about its behavior and ecological requirements.
De Capaccini's vleermuis (Myotis capaccinii) is een middelgrote gladneusvleermuis. (Wiki)
The long-fingered bat is slightly smaller in size and hangs differently on the ceiling. (Full text)
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