Père David's macaque

Père David's macaque

Order : Primates
Family : Cercopithecidae
Subfamily : Cercopithecinae
Species : Macaca thibetana


Keywords: brown , whisker , black

The Père david's macaque, short-tailed tibetan macaque, tibetan macaque is listed as Conservation Dependent (LR/cd), the focus of a continuing taxon-specific or habitat-specific conservation programme targeted towards the taxon in question, the cessation of which would result in the taxon qualifying for one of the threatened categories below within a period of five years, on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species

Some facts about the
Tibetan macaque

Adult weight : 10.3 kg (22.66 lbs)

Maximum longevity : 27 years

Gestation : 170 days

Weaning : 571 days

Litter size : 1

Litters per year : 1

Interval between litters : 730 days

Weight at birth : 0.525 kg (1.155 lbs)

Weight at weaning : 2.4 kg (5.28 lbs)

Source: AnAge, licensed under CC

Facts about the Père David's macaque

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