Old World monkeys
Order : Primates
Family : Cercopithecidae
Subfamily : Cercopithecinae
Facts about the subfamily Cercopithecinae, the Old World monkeys
 Which member of the cercopithecinae is known to frequently hunt other mammals and eat their meat a.
html Old world monkeys are found throughout tropical Africa and Asia.
OLD WORLD MONKEYS"OLD WORLD MONKEYS" is a plural of: old world monkey.
One of the chief characteristics of the subfamily Cercopithecinae is the cheek pouches, which are lacking in the members of the subfamily Colobinae.
Ovulation and luteinization are spontaneous in nonhuman primates, and the OWM have a menstrual cycle that in some species of Cercopithecinae is notable for the external signs of their cyclicity.
The main classification of Old World monkeys is based on feeding habits, dividing the group into leaf-eaters and generalists.
The Old World monkeys are native to Africa and Asia.
The simian immunodeficiency virus, which naturally infects Old World monkeys, is less susceptible to the TRIM5-mediated block than is HIV-1, and this difference in susceptibility is due to the viral capsid.
The size range among the Old World monkeys is also substantial; fully grown talapoins, Cercopithecus talapoin, may weigh only about 2.
The taxonomy of the Old World monkeys is disputed, and the following list of 17 genera is non-authoritative and has not been placed in an order that reflects modern cladistic research.
Vertebrates The Old World monkeys are found in S Asia, with a few species as far N as Japan and N China, and in all of Africa except the deserts.
Cercopithecinae Most Old World monkeys are cercopithecines . (Full text)
Old World monkeys are found in which of the following environments? (Full text)
The Old World monkeys are native to Africa and Asia today, but are also known from Europe in the fossil record. (Wiki)
The presence of new viruses closely related to SIVgsn in two other species reinforces the hypothesis that a recombination event between ancestral SIVs from the family Cercopithecinae is the origin of the present SIVcpz that is widespread among the chimpanzee population. (Full text)
The Old World monkeys are found in S Asia, with a few species as far N as Japan and N China, and in all of Africa except the deserts. (Full text)
Monkeys) Geographic Distribution of the Catarrhines Old world monkeys are found throughout tropical Africa and Asia. (Full text)
Despite these differences, the common morphotype of the humerus and femur in the Cercopithecinae is exhibited in both Cercocebus and Cercopithecus, contrasting with the morphology shown by other primates (Colobinae, Hominoidea and Cebidae). (Full text)
Encyclopedia—monkeyOld World MonkeysThe Old World monkeys are found in S Asia, with a few species as far N as Japan and N China, and in all of Africa except the deserts. (Full text)
"Articles on Old World Monkeys" is a chapter from: Kreger, Michael D. (Full text)