Image by Andrew Lih, licensed under ShareAlike 2.0.
The Crab-eating macaque, cynomolgus monkey, long-tailed macaque is listed as Near Threatened (LR/nt), is close to qualifying for or is likely to qualify for a threatened category in the near future, on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species
Brunei, Burma, Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Palau, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and VietnamLong-tailed macaque habitats
Forest, Subtropical / Tropical Dry forest, Subtropical / Tropical Mangrove Vegetation Above High Tide Level and Temperate forestSome facts about the
Long-tailed macaque
Adult weight : 6.363 kg (13.9986 lbs)
Maximum longevity : 39 years
Female maturity :1238 days
Male maturity : 1544 days
Gestation : 165 days
Weaning : 242 days
Litter size : 1
Litters per year : 1
Interval between litters : 431 days
Weight at birth : 0.32 kg (0.704 lbs)
Weight at weaning : 0.848 kg (1.8656 lbs)

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