Scrub hare

Animals / Mammals / Lagomorpha (51) / Leporidae (25) / Lepus (30)
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Scrub hare

Order : Lagomorpha
Family : Leporidae
Species : Lepus saxatilis


Facts about the scrub hare

Guinea fowl) and small mammals - scrub hares are a favourite. (Full text)

Scrub hares are nocturnal emerging to feed at sundown; they live on the leaves, stems and rhizomes of dry and green grass, green being the preference.

scrub hares, are the preferred hosts of the immature stages of the three Hyalomma occurring in South Africa (Norval 1982; Horak et al.

Scrub hares are often flushed in more open areas and also visit the school grounds and fields at night.

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