Alaskan hare
Order : Lagomorpha
Family : Leporidae
Species : Lepus othus
The Alaskan hare is listed as Least Concern (LR/lc), lowest risk. Does not qualify for a more at risk category. Widespread and abundant taxa are included in this category, on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species
Namings for the Alaskan hare
A young / baby of a Alaskan hare is called a 'leveret'. The females are called 'doe or jill' and males 'buck or jack'. A Alaskan hare group is called a 'band or down'.
Facts about the Alaskan hare
Lepus othus is restricted to western Alaska from the Alaska Peninsula to just north of the Seward Peninsula near Kotzebue (Klein 1995).
Alaskan Hare or Lepus othus is listed on the IUCN Red list (1996) as Lower Risk/Least Concern .
A similar species known as the mountain hare (Lepus timidus) can be found throughout northern Europe and Asia, while the tundra hare (Lepus othus) is found in Alaska. (Full text)
The Alaskan hare is larger22 to 28 inches (. (Full text)
Arctic foxes and Alaskan hares are common; polar bears are often observed. (Full text)
 Moose, brown bears, caribou, Arctic foxes, and Alaskan hares are common.
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