Water shrew

Water shrew

Order : Insectivora
Family : Soricidae
Subfamily : Soricinae
Species : Sorex palustris


Keywords: tail

The Water shrew is listed as Least Concern (LR/lc), lowest risk. Does not qualify for a more at risk category. Widespread and abundant taxa are included in this category, on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species

Canada and United States
Some facts about the
Water shrew

Adult weight : 0.012 kg (0.0264 lbs)

Female maturity :90 days

Gestation : 23 days

Litter size : 5

Litters per year : 3

Source: AnAge, licensed under CC

Facts about the water shrew

The American Water Shrew, Sorex palustris, is a large North American shrew found in aquatic habitats. (Wiki)

Water Shrew or Sorex palustris is listed on the IUCN Red list (1996) as Lower Risk/Least Concern .

Mammalian Species 296:1-6 Ecology: Sorex palustris is rarely found far from water.

The water shrew of Canada and N United States, Sorex palustris, is adapted to aquatic living and can actually walk on the surface of water for a short distance. (Full text)

The water shrew (Sorex palustris) is unique.

The water shrew of Canada and N United States, Sorex palustris, is adapted to aquatic living and can actually walk on the surface of water for a short distance. (Full text)

The water shrew of Canada and N United States, Sorex palustris, is adapted to aquatic living and can actually walk on the surface of water for a short distance. (Full text)

The water shrew of Canada and N United States, Sorex palustris, is adapted to aquatic living and can actually walk on the surface of water for a short distance. (Full text)

Water Shrews and Man The water shrew is the least abundant and least widespread of the British

Description: The water shrew is a mouse-sized insectivore with a moderately long pointed snout, and a long tail with a distinct keel formed of stiff hairs.

Introduction The Pacific Water Shrew is a rare insectivore living on the coast of western North

[ Image to go here ] The Sumatra Water Shrew The Sumatra Water Shrew (Chimarrogale sumatrana), also known as the Asiatic or Oriental Water Shrew, is a very small insectivorous mammal. (Full text)

BIOLOGY-NATURAL HISTORY: The West Virginia water shrew is confined to the Appalachian-Allegheny Mountain chain and extends from the Georgia-Tennessee-North Carolina border area northward into southwestern Pennsylvania.

Pacific Water Shrew is dark brown above and below; fringe of hair on hindfeet is poorly developed. (Full text)

" *** The taxonomic status of the Sumatra water shrew is uncertain. (Full text)

Although water shrews are widespread in mainland Britain, they have a rather localised occurrence, probably because of their preference for clean, clear sources of freshwater for foraging.

Habitat: Water shrews are commonly found on the banks of both standing or flowing fresh water and adjacent areas.

Water Shrews are semi aquatic and are usually found in habitats close to water.

Sumatra Water Shrews are very adapted for their lives in the water. (Full text)

Water shrews are mainly found in the northern two-thirds of Wisconsin, north of the tension zone near streams, lakes and wetlands.

Water shrews are typically found along the banks of clear, fast-flowing fresh-water rivers and streams, but they are also found by ponds.

Water shrews are especially vulnerable to water pollution.

Some species, called water shrews, are aquatic, and one of these, the Tibetan or Szechwan water shrew, Nectogale, has webbed feet. (Full text)

Some species, called water shrews, are aquatic, and one of these, The Tibetan or Szechwan water shrew, nectogale, has webbed feet.

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