Southeastern shrew
Order : Insectivora
Family : Soricidae
Subfamily : Soricinae
Species : Sorex longirostris
The Southeastern shrew is listed as Least Concern (LR/lc), lowest risk. Does not qualify for a more at risk category. Widespread and abundant taxa are included in this category, on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species
United States
Facts about the southeastern shrew
Sorex longirostris is found usually in recently clear-cut or regenerating forests, young pine groves, grassy roadsides, cane stands and deciduous forests of the Great Dismal Swamp in Virginia and North Carolina.
The Southeastern Shrew, Sorex longirostris, is found in throughout north Florida and in central Florida south to Highlands County. (Full text)
The Southeastern Shrew, Sorex longirostris, is found in throughout north Florida and in central Florida south to Highlands County. (Full text)
net/smallgame/squirrel'); CallAdv(); CreateTd(46) The Southeastern Shrew, Sorex longirostris, is found in throughout north Florida and in central Florida south to Highlands County. (Full text)
The southeastern shrew is slightly smaller and more reddish than the masked shrew. (Full text)
Today, I will be telling you about my species called the Dismal Swamp Southeastern Shrew The Dismal Swamp Southeastern Shrew By Bethany Hummel The Dismal Swamp Southeastern Shrew is a mouse-like mammal which is currently listed on the Endangered Species List.
The Dismal Swamp southeastern shrew is a small, long-tailed shrew with a brown back, slightly paler underparts, buffy feet, and a relatively short, broad nose (Handley 1979a).
Background The Dismal Swamp southeastern shrew is a small, long-tailed shrew with a brown back, slightly paler underparts, buffy feet, and a relatively short, broad nose (Handley 1979a). (Full text)
The Dismal Swamp southeastern shrew is a small, long-tailed shrew with a brown back, slightly paler underparts, buffy feet, and a relatively short, broad nose (Handley 1979a). (Full text)
The boreal masked shrew is normally found above 1500’, while the southeastern shrew is normally found below 1500â€. (Full text)
``Within two years of the cutting of a forest plot, and probably for 8- 12 years afterwards on such cutover plots, the densities of southeastern shrews are likely to be five or more times greater than in nearby mature forests.
Terrestrial Ecology Southeastern shrews are active both day and night, spending most of their time in the underground burrows of other animals and rooting (Full text)
Southeastern shrews are subject to some predation, most frequently by owls, snakes, opossums, and domestic cats and dogs (French 1980, Webster et al. (Full text)
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