White-toothed shrews
Order : Insectivora
Family : Soricidae
Subfamily : Crocidurinae
Facts about the subfamily Crocidurinae, the white-toothed shrews
Geographic Range Crocidura leucodon, one of the white-toothed shrews, is distributed from central Europe eastward to the Caspian Sea.
The genus Crocidura ('white-toothed shrews') is a widespread and highly variable Old World genus, which is found in many African countries, much of continental Europe and parts of south-eastern Asia. (Full text)
The subfamily of red-toothed shrews, with orange- or red-tipped teeth, includes both Old and New World species; the white-toothed shrews are confined to the Old World. (Full text)
The subfamily of red-toothed shrews, with orange- or red-tipped teeth, includes both Old and New World species; the white-toothed shrews are confined to the Old World. (Full text)
The subfamily of red-toothed shrews, with orange- or red-tipped teeth, includes both Old and New World species; the white-toothed shrews are confined to the Old World. (Full text)
ft) Bicolored white-toothed shrews are associated with dry, upland habitats such as grasslands, woodlands, and roadside brush.
The subfamily of red-toothed shrews, with orange- or red-tipped teeth, includes both Old and New World species; the white-toothed shrews are confined to the Old World.
Lesser and greater white-toothed shrews are not found in mainland Britain.
Greater white-toothed shrews are found in dry ground, grassland, the fringes of woods, gardens and hedges, commonly entering houses, farm outbuildings etc.
White toothed shrews are very social animals - they aren't territorial, when the weather is cold, they huddle together in nests to reduce 'heating energy' expenditure, which Sorex don't do.
Spiny mice and white-toothed shrews are endemic mammals found here. (Full text)
Lesser white-toothed shrews are only found on the Isles of Scilly, Jersey and Sark.