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Zoo does not give up hope for stolen penguin Toga

African penguin It has been almost two weeks since Toga, a jackass penguin, was stolen from the Amazon World zoo on the Isle of Wight in Southern England. This news article states that after a tip-off that the rare bird had been dumped in Portsmouth docks in a plastic bag, which failed to turn up anything, the zoo doesn't give up. It goes on with what it has been doing all christmas, following every lead they get. A spokeswoman of the Amazon World zoo says that Toga's parents, Oscar and Kyala (or Oscar and Layana, depending on the source), seem to be preparing to lay more eggs... The reward for the safe return of Toga, the stolen jackass penguin, has been increased to £31,000.

nine comments:

I hate the people that have done.i cant be leave some one would do some thing like this is like a child being kid napped and the parents and worried

Evil people
Mark (Email) - 30 12 05 - 18:10

I pray you find Toga…..this breaks my heart that someone could be so evil as to do something like this to such innocent creatures. If they find who did this they should spend the rest of their lives in jail.
Debbie (Email) - 30 12 05 - 21:48

I think it is absolutely shameful that the people who took Toga have not returned him yet. The news is reporting just how dangerious it is for little Toga to be away from his parents. These people are heartless and cruel…
dawn (Email) (URL) - 31 12 05 - 06:30

Does anyone know if the penquin was found safely>
Karlene (Email) - 31 12 05 - 07:26

The person who stold this poor bird must be a jackass!
joel - 02 01 06 - 23:17

I continue to hold out hope for baby Toga. I still can’t believe someone would take the little baby from his home and his parents like that. There is something very wrong with the world when people act so cruelly.
Laura (Email) - 03 01 06 - 18:43

I am deeply saddened by the kidnapping of this penguin. I continue to hold out hope each day that Toga will return safely to the zoo and his or her parents. Whoever did such a horrible thing obviously lacks a mind, heart or soul. Good luck to the zoo in Toga’s safe return — you are all in my prayers.
Penguin Lover - 04 01 06 - 03:31

Anybody know what ever happened to Toga , the baby penguin stolen from his parents at the zoo in London, England back around Christmas time
Larry (Email) - 18 01 06 - 22:27

I wish you were found
Toga - 24 03 07 - 03:41

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