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Bengal tigers in India - next to become extinct ?

Tiger The largest of all cats, the tigers are declining fast in India. According to this news article on, the tiger population in India is declining so fast that the whole population may be extinct in India in 10 years. Officially, the tiger population is at 3,500. The Wildlife Trust of India says 1,500 may be more accurate. Ashok Kumar of the Wildlife Trust of India says that "A villager can earn as much in one night from poisoning and skinning a tiger as he could earn from farming in five years". "Eventually, that skin can sell for up to $6,000 dollars in Lhasa". The Balinese Tiger (Panthera tigris balica) became extinct in 1937. The Javan Tiger (Panthera tigris sondaica) became extinct in 1979 and the Caspian Tiger or Persian Tiger (Panthera tigris virgata) became extinct in 1968. The subspecies of tiger that exist in India is the Bengal tiger. Is the Bengal tiger in India next to become extinct ?


I certainly hope the Bengal Tiger does not go extinct! The Tiger, of any sub species, is my most favorite animal. I even support Tiger Creek on my blog and web site.

I hope they are able to get the issues around poaching worked out and stop the slaughter!
Don (Email) (URL) - 29 12 05 - 13:12

What a fantastic site! As one of those crazy vegan types, I’ll be stopping by regularly.

Thanks for the blogmark!
Ryan at The Higher Pie (Email) (URL) - 29 12 05 - 21:04

Very much my pleasure! I love the site (and the animal

Don (Email) (URL) - 29 12 05 - 22:07

It would be a terrible terrible shame if this beautiful animal was lost forever.
mic (Email) (URL) - 29 12 05 - 22:40

Great Tiger pick… I hope they make it.
Sports Bettor (Email) (URL) - 30 12 05 - 03:48

i believe that tigers…or any kind of animal is essential for bio-diversity..and extinction will lead to nothing but a major loss…balance is really needed…and extinction is not the key to life. We as humans have succeeded a lot, but we lost the importance of other organisms in the world. Why do we think we are the most powerful?? one day we will become extinct..and we would consider it as unjustice and a tyrant..why harm animals..just for the sake of materialists things…such as MONEY...everyone should value each life, even if its an animal…because in reality we are also a type of an animal..
Charms - 08 05 07 - 00:07

tigers are a wonder feature of the world,and they do not deserve to not be apart of the world.People should not destroy any thing of the wild. I love tigers! Don’t you????????
Amy scaroeo - 05 06 07 - 22:41

You know its all humans fault because this is happening and now when we look back we realize all were causing is a miserable mess that we can’t fix because once an animal is extinct it doesn’t ever come back and their is no way it ever could. but no1 ever thinks about it that way they always have to think about what they want and don’t seem to care about what tigers need. i wish their was a way to stop all this mess and help the population grow once again because i dont want the tigers to disappear they are beautiful and mejestic animals.
Makaela - 22 10 07 - 04:50

I don’t think humans realize how much damage we do to the world today? Everyone wants to stop these bad things from happening, yet they make no effort to help the situation! We need to start making changes in ourselves to help the rest of the world and it’s beautiful animals like Tigers. I hope the situation doesn’t get worse before we decide to do what’s right for ourselves and the animals…
Alonzo - 07 02 08 - 18:51

Im sure it won’t be the bengal tiger next
driving deaths road.There are at least 500
bengals left.Right now it should be the
south china tigers we should be worrying about.
there’s 50 south chinas left.There driving death’s road and are about to meet a dead end.
Katie - 25 02 08 - 06:52

ppl should go on my site its so you can post a commet and learn more about the tiger species.
the clocl is ticking….....hurry!
Katie (Email) - 25 02 08 - 07:01

i love tigers and i dont think they should be hunted for horrible reasons. any one who has or is planning to kill a tiger shame on you. i am completly against animal crulety
snoopi (Email) - 16 05 08 - 14:45

Before the Bengal Tiger goes extinct, the South China tiger will go extinct. There is estimated to be only 30 left in the wild.
Vienne - 04 06 08 - 05:31

hi and i am also abig fan of the animal tigers but the reason is why are people trying to kill them and make them extinct it is just horassing isn’t it???? can you help me and save the tigers around the world. it would be lovely for you to join… your welcomes Briony Burne…
briony burne (Email) - 07 06 08 - 02:40

hi tigers are my fav animal so y poach when you can enjoy their buity for million years more?
bokle (Email) - 17 12 08 - 18:26

Jade (Email) - 01 02 09 - 22:15

Tigers are so amazing, and I think it’s extremely cruel for people to kill them. STOP!!
Iqra (Email) - 24 04 09 - 18:28

hough people might not get it until it’s too late, once all of these tigers die off, they aren’t coming back. Ever. And that is sad.
[animal_luva25-09] - 25 04 09 - 23:56

Tigers are the best animals in the world!!(they are my fav by far)
I cant believe that people can actually kill them!! That is soooooo cruel. Help save the tigers and i certainly hope that tigers wont be the next extinct creature…
Alice - 14 05 09 - 10:40

Alice - 14 05 09 - 10:42

bengal tigers are my favourite animal in the world and i realy want them to stay here for ever and never leave the world please help them donate.
Chloe (Email) - 31 08 09 - 05:31

save this magnificant animal this is the last chance we have we are going to loose our national animal the identity of nation stop interfering with jungles
sachin sharma (Email) - 13 02 10 - 06:40

Save this poor animal, it is going to be the last of it’s kind soon.Everyone loves tigers, i love them.Nobody wants them to become extinct please help them.Donate now please!!!
Serena - 18 05 10 - 02:39

i just was in india and i saw a bangle tiger for 3 hours and it was so emazing and i hope it dose not go exsinct
fgf - 05 06 10 - 20:58

I don’t want tigers to become extinct.
Please donate; animals are just like us…
Anna - 12 06 10 - 12:27

i love bengal tigers
alexis - 28 10 10 - 16:12

i love tigers :D
misstr - 03 12 10 - 13:24

i also love tigers
ntm (Email) - 13 12 10 - 12:29

In India it is a big challenge. Even people there are dying with poverty. There is no bread for people there. People die under a simple dream, a good life and a house and get nothing in the end….. how can you save tigers in such situation there? A huge strategy is required there. However, Bollywood is doing a lot to protect these animals….. (URL) - 26 12 10 - 01:47

I hope they dont. :( There my favourtie animal! :( :(

Sharon (Email) - 23 06 11 - 10:14

u idiots stop killin dose cute bengal tigers,so keep dem alive!don u no dat little kids wana see dem in future or any time!!!!!!!!!!!!LOL):
thanks 4 reading my wat ever is ritin dare!!!
yr mum - 10 08 11 - 08:30

Dumb tree huggers
steven (Email) - 02 09 11 - 06:01

that really sucks 4 them poor lil animals i feel sorry 4 them
lizbeth (Email) (URL) - 30 09 11 - 19:48

stop killing tigers they are the best cats on earth just stop>-D
sam (Email) - 29 08 12 - 16:55

i hate it when people think that just because we dont believe in hunting they think we are some sort of tree hugging hippy cult. Animals need to be hunted for food, that is fact but it doesnt make it any easier to think about. However hunting on a not need to basis is wrong. Medicine can be gotten from other products than tigers. and as for an exotic pet? well that is wrong on any level, the cruelty to these animals is horrible and my children wont see these animals and if we just kept some animals for food how can we appreciate life? there would be no tigers, no elephants just cattle, sheep, pigs and chickens. If we only get one life or live it to the full then you have to appreciate it, so there hunters thats why we shouldnt hunt. we understand that you might need to for food or its just “life” but if humans are so clever than why dont we see that the beuty in animals in nature is someting to live for.
im-an-animal-too:) - 25 10 12 - 20:20

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