Philippine butterflyfish - It grows to a maximum length of 20 cm .
Cross-stripe butterfly - Length is up to 23 cm .
Oriental butterflyfish - Chaetodon auripes, the oriental butterflyfish, is a species of butterflyfish in the genus Chaetodon.
Blacktail butterflyfish - The Black-tailed Butterflyfish , also called Exquisite Butterflyfish, is known as Chaetodon austriacus by its scientific name.
Eastern triangular butterflyfish - It grows to a maximum of 16 cm long.
Bluelashed butterflyfish - It grows to a maximum of 20 cm long.
Midas cichlid - It is a rather distinct species, but most closely related to the Four-spotted Butterflyfish .
Indian vagabond butterflyfish - The Indian Vagabond Butterflyfish, Chaetodon decussatus, is a species of butterflyfish .
African butterflyfish - The African butterflyfish, Chaetodon dolosus, is a butterflyfish of the family Chaetodontidae found in the Western Indian Ocean, at depths from 40-200 metres in length.
Saddle butterflyfish - It is a large butterflyfish, at up to 30 cm long together with the Lined Butterflyfish the giant among its genus.
Peppered butterflyfish - This is one of the members of the subgenus Exornator.
Yellow teardrop butterflyfish - The teardrop butterflyfish is easily identified by the colour pattern of yellow and black.
Sunburst butterflyfish - The Sunburst Butterflyfish is also known as the Black-lipped Butterflyfish or Klein's Butterflyfish.
Line butterflyfish - Lined butterflyfish may grow up to 30 cm long, which among Chaetodon is matched only by the Saddle Butterflyfish .
Raccoon butterflyfish - It belongs to the large subgenus Rabdophorus which might warrant recognition as a distinct genus.
Seychelles butterflyfish - The Seychelles Butterflyfish, Chaetodon madagaskariensis, is a species of butterflyfish .
Doubledash butterflyfish - It feeds on polychaetes, crustaceans, hydroids and ascidians.
Blackback butterflyfish - This fish grows up to 18 cm long, and may live for up to 20 years.
Atoll butterflyfish - It grows to a maximum of 12.
Scrawled butterflyfish - Growing to a maximum length of 20 cm , its body is whitish or blue-white with curved to oblique black bands on the sides.
Spot-tail butterfly fish - It grows to a maximum of 15 cm long.
Eightband butterflyfish - This small butterflyfish grows to a maximum of 12 cm long .
Ornate butterflyfish - It is a close relative of the Mailed Butterflyfish and the Scrawled Butterflyfish .
Spot-nape butterflyfish - It grows to a maximum of 25 cm long.
Eritrean butterflyfish - It grows up to 14 cm in length.
Four-spot butterfly - It is a quite distinct species, but most closely related to the Speckled Butterflyfish .
Latticed coralfish - It grows to a maximum of 18 cm long.
Dotted butterflyfish - It grows to a maximum of 26 cm long.
Bluecheek butterflyfish - Its length is up to 23 cm .
Mirror butterflyfish - It grows to a maximum of 18 cm in length.
Hawaiian butterflyfish - Found in the Pacific ocean only from Hawaii, Johnston Atoll and the Marshall Islands.
Chevron butterflyfish - Adults have an elongate white body with narrow chevron markings and may be up to 18 cm in length.
Melon butterflyfish - The Oval Butterflyfish and the Black-tailed Butterflyfish resemble C.
Pacific doublesaddle butterflyfish - These fish can reach a size of 15 cm .
Teardrop butterflyfish - In the Indian Ocean it is replaced by the Yellow Teardrop Butterflyfish , now considered to be a separate species but previously included in C.
Vagabond butterflyfish - The Vagabond Butterflyfish, Chaetodon vagabundus, is a species of butterflyfish .
Goldheaded butterflyfish - Found in the Indian Ocean from East Africa to Sri Lanka and the Maldives.