Author: P.H.J. (Peter) Maas / www.petermaas.nl
Fat-tailed gerbil
Order : Rodentia
Suborder : Sciurognathi
Family : Muridae
Subfamily : Gerbillinae
Species : Pachyuromys duprasi
The Fat-tailed gerbil is listed as Least Concern. Does not qualify for a more at risk category. Widespread and abundant taxa are included in this category, on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species
Namings for the fattailed gerbil
A young / baby of a fattailed gerbil is called a 'pup'. The females are called 'doe' and males 'buck'. A fattailed gerbil group is called a 'horde'.Some facts about the
Fat-tailed gerbil
Adult weight : 0.04 kg (0.088 lbs)
Maximum longevity : 8 years
Male maturity : 61 days
Gestation : 20 days
Weaning : 29 days
Litter size : 5
Facts about the fat-tailed gerbil
The most distinguishing feature of a fat-tailed gerbil is a short, fat, pink, fuzz-coated tail.
At this moment these last 3 fat-tailed gerbils are to young to breed with, so I will wait a while with that.
De dikstaartgerbil Pachyuromys duprasi is een nog erg onbekende gerbilsoort op de huisdierenmarkt.
Description of the Fat-tailed Gerbil The Fat-tailed Gerbil is about the size of a common gerbil, with the body lenght being about 3 to 3 1/2 inches long and it's tail, with its clubbed shape, is about 1 to 1 1/2 inches long.
Duprasi Caresheet Pachyuromys duprasi is found in desert regions of Egypt and Morocco.
Fat-Tailed Gerbil or Pachyuromys duprasi is listed on the IUCN Red list (1996) as Lower Risk/Least Concern .
Fat-tailed Gerbil, is a small insectivorous rodent from the northern Sahara desert.
Fat-tailed gerbils are docile, good-natured animals that are just a little hard to find.
Fat-tailed gerbils are extremely easy to house, like any other small animal mammal.
Fat-tailed gerbils are found in the Northwestern of Egypt, Libya, Tunisia and Algeria (= yellow area).
Fat-tailed gerbils are very docile when handled, but are extremely territorial.
GENERAL INFORMATION Fat-tailed gerbils are found in the Northwestern part of Egypt, Libya, Tunisia and Algeria
php/t-2104Fat-Tailed Gerbil (Duprasi) Distribution: Fat-tailed gerbils are found in the Northwestern of Egypt, Libya, Tunisia and Algeria (= yellow area).
The Fat-tailed gerbil is a medium sized gerbil, it measures from head to tail (without the tail) about 10 cm.
Distribution: Fat-tailed gerbils are found in the Northwestern of Egypt, Libya, Tunisia and Algeria (= yellow area). (Full text)
External features: The Fat-tailed gerbil is a medium sized gerbil, it measures from head to tail (without the tail) about 10 cm. (Full text)
Description Fat-tailed Duprasi-Rodentia; Genus PACHYUROMYS (Fat-tailed Gerbil) is new to the U. (Full text)
The Duprasi, or Fat-tailed Gerbil, is a small insectivorous rodent from the northern Sahara desert. (Full text)
Fat-tailed gerbils are very new on the pet market. (Full text)
The Fat-tailed gerbil is a medium sized gerbil. (Full text)
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