Antilopine wallaroo

Antilopine wallaroo

Order : Diprotodontia
Family : Macropodidae
Species : Macropus antilopinus


Keywords: red

The Antilopine wallaby, antilopine wallaroo is listed as Least Concern (LR/lc), lowest risk. Does not qualify for a more at risk category. Widespread and abundant taxa are included in this category, on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species

Some facts about the
Antilopine wallaroo

Adult weight : 49.5 kg (108.9 lbs)

Maximum longevity : 20 years

Female maturity :802 days

Gestation : 34 days

Weaning : 426 days

Litter size : 1

Interval between litters : 270 days

Weight at birth : 0.001 kg (0.0022 lbs)

Source: AnAge, licensed under CC

Facts about the antilopine wallaroo

“There are also very important conservation implications if the antilopine wallaroo is declining.

Given that the antilopine wallaroo is harvested as a bush food by Aboriginal communities, our estimates of population size, distribution and reproductive rates will allow us to estimate sustainable harvest rates.

The Antilopine Wallaroo (Macropus antilopinus) is the exception among wallaroos.

The Antilopine Wallaroo is one of Australia's six large kangaroos and lives in the tropics.

The antilopine wallaroo is this country’s only large kangaroo that lives entirely in the tropics.

The Antilopine Wallaroo, (Macropus antilopinus) is found in the tropical monsoonal forests of Northern Australia where it replaces the Red and Grey Kangaroos.

The Antilopine Wallaroo (Macropus antilopinus) is the exception among wallaroos. (Wiki)

The antilopine wallaroo is one of Australia's six large kangaroos and lives in the tropics. (Full text)

The antilopine wallaroo is one of Australia's six large kangaroos and lives in the tropics. (Full text)

The Antilopine Wallaroo, (Macropus antilopinus) is found in the tropical monsoonal forests of Northern Australia where it replaces the Red and Grey Kangaroos. (Full text)

The Antilopine Wallaroo, (Macropus antilopinus) is found in the tropical monsoonal forests of Northern Australia where it replaces the Red and Grey Kangaroos. (Full text)

The Antilopine Wallaroo, (Macropus antilopinus) is found in the tropical monsoonal forests of Northern Australia where it replaces the Red and Grey Kangaroos. (Full text)

The antilopine wallaroo is the only large kangaroo restricted entirely to tropical northern Australia and therefore important to preserve from a biodiversity perspective. (Full text)

The Antilopine Wallaroo (Macropus antilopinus) is the exception among wallaroos. (Full text)

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