Gliders, Leadbeater's possum, and striped possums

Gliders, Leadbeater's possum, and striped possums

Order : Diprotodontia
Family : Petauridae


Animals in the family Petauridae

Squirrel glider
Sugar glider
Facts about the family Petauridae, the gliders, Leadbeater's possum, and striped possums

The sugar glider or "flying squirrel", Petaurus breviceps (family Petauridae), is a smallish blue-grey to brown-grey marsupial.

The squirrel glider, also commonly called the "flying possum" locally, Petaurus norfolcensis (family Petauridae), is a gliding marsupial like a larger version of the sugar glider, but it is vary rare in central Cape York Peninsula.

Striped possums are particularly adept at locating and teasing beetle larvae out of dead wood, using their elongated fourth fingers.

Striped possums are particularly adept at locating and teasing beetle larvae out of dead wood, using their elongated fourth fingers. (Full text)

Like kangaroos and wallabies, striped possums are marsupials.

Striped possums are particularly adept at locating and teasing beetle larvae out of dead wood, using their elongated fourth fingers. (Full text)

Striped possums are nocturnal, and appear to live mainly solitary lives, with females being dominant and agressive to males except when they are sexually receptive.

Striped possums are native to northeastern Australia and New Guinea, where they dwell in the treetops.

Striped Possums are amazing to watch, using their paws to tap and listen for likely hollows. (Full text)

Striped Possums are amazing to watch, using their paws to tap and listen for likely hollows. (Full text)

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