Phalloceros alessandrae
Phalloceros anisophallos
Phalloceros aspilos
Phalloceros buckupi
Dusky millions fish - Phalloceros caudimaculatus is a species fish of often kept in aquariums, because of the relative ease of breeding.
Phalloceros elachistos
Phalloceros enneaktinos
Phalloceros harpagos
Phalloceros heptaktinos
Phalloceros leptokeras
Phalloceros leticiae
Phalloceros lucenorum
Phalloceros malabarbai
Phalloceros megapolos
Phalloceros mikrommatos
Phalloceros ocellatus
Phalloceros pellos
Phalloceros reisi
Phalloceros spiloura
Phalloceros titthos
Phalloceros tupinamba
Phalloceros uai