Order : Rodentia
Suborder : Sciurognathi
Family : Sciuridae
Subfamily : Sciurinae
Species : Marmota monax
Keywords: yellow
Which zoos have them?
Saint Louis Zoological Park (United States)The Woodchuck is listed as Least Concern (LR/lc), lowest risk. Does not qualify for a more at risk category. Widespread and abundant taxa are included in this category, on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species
Some facts about the
Adult weight : 4 kg (8.8 lbs)
Maximum longevity : 14 years
Female maturity :548 days
Male maturity : 548 days
Gestation : 32 days
Weaning : 46 days
Litter size : 5
Litters per year : 1
Weight at birth : 0.027 kg (0.0594 lbs)
Weight at weaning : 0.248 kg (0.5456 lbs)
Basal metabolic rate : 4 W
Body mass : 2.65 kg (5.83 lbs)
Temperature : 36.85 °C (98.33 °F)
Facts about the woodchuck
The groundhog, or woodchuck, Marmota monax, is a North American marmot, a ground-dwelling member of the squirrel family, Sciuridae, order Rodentia.
As odd as it may seem, a groundhog or wood chuck, Marmota monax, is a member of the squirr (Full text)
The common American species (Marmota monax) is the woodchuck (also called groundhog), but the name marmot is usually used only for the western variety.
Species:monax The groundhog or woodchuck, Marmota monax, is a rodent of the family Sciuridae, belonging to the group of large ground squirrels known as marmots.
Marmota monax (Linnaeus, 1758) The Groundhog, Woodchuck, or Whistle Pig, Marmota monax, is a rodent of the family Sciuridae, belonging to the group of large ground squirrels known as marmots.
The groundhog or woodchuck, Marmota monax, is a rodent of the family Sciuridae, belonging to the group of large ground squirrels known as marmots.
Its common name, woodchuck, is an anglicized corruption of an Indian name for this species.
10/28/04: The Woodchuck is watching you!
TalkBass Forums - woodchuck is in trouble ! (Full text)
TalkBass Forums - Hey, Woodchuck is coming to town. (Full text)
The woodchuck is a rodent that is also called the groundhog or whistle pigs. (Full text)
The woodchuck is a true hibernator. (Full text)
A groundhog or woodchuck is a rodent of the species Marmota monax.
The name Woodchuck is also used about a Woodpecker .
Most marmots live in rocky and mountainous areas, but the Woodchuck is a creature of the lowlands.
Woodchucks are feasting on Henry Ford's flowers
Wausau - Woodchucks are Wausau's masterpiece
In Disney's fictional Scrooge McDuck universe, The Junior Woodchucks are the Boy Scout-like youth organization to which Donald Duck's nephews, Huey, Dewey and Louie, belong. (Wiki)
Woodchucks are not large, but they're powerful tunnelers.
To control this digging in undesired locations, the woodchucks are caught using live traps. (Full text)
The Wisconsin Woodchucks are a baseball team that plays in the Northwoods League, an NCAA summer baseball league. (Full text)
Woodchucks are a common farm and garden pest.
The Junior WoodchucksIn Disney's fictional Scrooge McDuck universe, The Junior Woodchucks are the Boy Scout-like youth organization to which Donald Duck's nephews, Huey, Dewey and Louie, belong.
But due to a quirk of biology, some woodchucks are performing a much more important service for people year-round.
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