Author: JJ Harrison (jjharrison89@facebook.com)
Eastern barred bandicoot
Order : Peramelemorphia
Family : Peramelidae
Species : Perameles gunnii
The Eastern barred bandicoot is listed as Vulnerable (VU), considered to be facing a high risk of extinction in the wild, on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species
AustraliaEastern barred bandicoot habitats
Arable Land, Artificial / Terrestrial, Forest, Grassland, Pastureland, Rural Gardens, Shrubland, Subtropical / Tropical Dry forest, Subtropical / Tropical Dry Grassland, Subtropical / Tropical Dry Shrubland and Urban AreasSome facts about the
Long-nosed bandicoot
Adult weight : 0.766 kg (1.6852 lbs)
Maximum longevity : 6 years
Female maturity :91 days
Male maturity : 152 days
Gestation : 12 days
Weaning : 60 days
Litter size : 2
Interval between litters : 65 days
Weight at weaning : 0.137 kg (0.3014 lbs)
Basal metabolic rate : 2 W
Body mass : 0.695 kg (1.529 lbs)
Temperature : 34.85 °C (94.73 °F)
Facts about the eastern barred bandicoot
x&&i Status = Approved Last previewed on: 13 December 2004 23:48:18--> Home > Natural Environment > Threatened Species > Threatened - Eastern Barred Bandicoot Eastern Barred BandicootCurrent status: The Eastern barred bandicoot (Perameles gunnii) is listed as vulnerable under the national Environment Protection and Biodiversity Protection Act 1999.
The Eastern Barred Bandicoot (Perameles gunnii) is easily identified by the conspicuous pale bars on its hindquarters.
The Eastern Barred Bandicoot, Perameles gunnii, is a rabbit sized marsupial with a long pointed nose with yellowish brown fur and four pale bars across the hindquarters.
Current status: The Eastern barred bandicoot (Perameles gunnii) is listed as vulnerable under the national Environment Protection and Biodiversity Protection Act 1999. (Full text)
Eastern-barred bandicoot (Perameles gunnii) is vulnerable to extinction throughout its range.
The Eastern Barred Bandicoot (Perameles gunnii) is a small rabbit-sized native marsupial mammal. (Full text)
Mammals of Tasmania Eastern Barred Bandicoot The endearing eastern barred bandicoot is a small (640 grams) marsupial characterised by a slender, elongated head tapering to a pink nose and well whiskered muzzle. (Full text)
The life-span of the eastern barred bandicoot is less than 3 years. (Full text)
The Eastern Barred Bandicoot is one of Victoria's most endangered mammals.
The Eastern Barred Bandicoot is crepuscular and nocturnal, resting during the day in grass-lined nests that it constructs.
The eastern barred bandicoot is a nocturnal marsupial. (Full text)
The Eastern Barred Bandicoot is a rabbit sized marsupial with a long, pointed nose, and yellowish brown fur.
"Australian: Perameles gunnii , the Eastern Barred Bandicoot, is restricted to Australia and Tasmania". (Full text)
Eastern Barred Bandicoots are a threatened species in Victoria, so it was important to know how best to manage the breeding of the individuals we have remaining. (Full text)
Eastern Barred Bandicoots are opportunistic feeders.
Bandicoots Brown Bandicoots are reasonably common in the Burnie area, but Eastern Barred Bandicoots are apparently declining.
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