Original source: Originally from fr.wikipedia; description page is/was here.
Author: Original uploader was Pfinge at fr.wikipedia
Mahogany glider
Order : Diprotodontia
Family : Petauridae
Species : Petaurus gracilis
The Mahogany glider is listed as Endangered (EN), considered to be facing a very high risk of extinction in the wild, on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species
Facts about the mahogany glider
The Mahogany Glider Petaurus gracilis is a rare species of glider (a sort of possum with a gliding membrane which allows it to glide from tree to tree). (Full text)
Description: The Mahogany Glider, Petaurus gracilis, is a marsupial mammal that was considered to be lost for over 106 years.
The Mahogany Glider is 600mm in length, from head to tail, and looks similar to a possum.
At present, the mahogany glider is known to occur in a 130 km (81 mi) long coastal strip between Bambaru and the Hull River. (Full text)
The Mahogany GliderThe mahogany glider is nocturnal and was thought to be extinct for over 100 years until it was rediscovered 1989; however throughout that time it had be confused for other gliders and possums. (Full text)
The known distribution of the Mahogany glider is very restricted. (Full text)
The Mahogany Glider is larger than most of the Australian gliders. (Full text)
The mahogany glider is only found in the far north of the state and is estimated that there are only between 1500 and 2000 of the gliders remaining in the wild. (Full text)
Not endangered, but its relative the Mahogany Glider is very rare, believed to be extinct for 100 years until rediscovered. (Full text)
The habitat of the Mahogany Glider is lowland open forest/woodland, most of which is not conserved within the Wet Tropics WHA and is under threat of clearing for agriculture.
All are in localities where Mahogany Gliders are known to occur, and Bambaroo has a significant sized remnant of critical mahogany glider habitat adjoining the school.
Our cedar and mahogany gliders are the finest quality We sell high quality products such as patio furniture, porch swings plans, outdoor furniture chaise lounges, and discount patio furniture to manufacturers.
Our cedar and mahogany gliders are the finest quality We sell high quality products such as patio furniture, porch swings plans, outdoor furniture chaise lounges, and discount patio furniture to manufacturers. (Full text)
Most mahogany gliders are found below 20m, however some have been found at altitudes of 120m. (Full text)
 Mahogany Gliders are now found mainly on fragmented patches of leasehold or private land.
9%, compared with approximately 11% for non-paired individuals, which suggests that mahogany gliders are socially monogamous. (Full text)
Why is it that white possums and mahogany gliders are sexy but acid soil and phytophera are not?
Mahogany gliders are living in that area. (Full text)
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