Caspian seal

Caspian seal

Order : Carnivora
Family : Phocidae
Species : Phoca caspica


Facts about the Caspian seal

Adult Caspian seals are typically 130-140 cm long and may reach 180 cm.

  Caspian seals are listed as a vulnerable species by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (Kennedy, et al 2000).

Caspian seals are greyish yellow to dark grey above, grading to a paler shade below.

Concentrations of noxious matter found in the tissues of Caspian seals are hundreds of times larger than those found in the 1990's in Baltic seals and in 1998 in Baikal seals, Greenpeace program coordinator Alexei

Distribution and Habitat The Caspian seal is endemic to the Caspian Sea.

Furthermore, the Caspian seal is one of only two freshwater seal species that occur worldwide; the other is found in Lake Baikal.

Geographical Distribution: Caspian seals are entirely confined to the saline waters of the Caspian Sea and its feeder rivers, which are.

The Caspian Seal (Phoca caspica), is the smallest existing varieties of seal.

The Caspian Seal is categorised as Vulnerable in the 1994 IUCN Red List of Threatened Animals.

The Caspian seal is endemic to the region as well as being the only mammal to live in the Caspian Sea.

the Caspian seal is found only in the Caspian Sea, a landlocked sea bordered by Russia, Azerbaijan, Iran, Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan.

The Caspian seal is one of only two freshwater seal species that occur worldwide.

The Caspian seal is one of the small representatives of seals.

The Caspian seal is the smallest seal is native to the Caspian is classed as Vulnerable by the international Union for the Conversation of Nature.

The Caspian seal is the world’s smallest seal and is native to the Caspian.

The ringed, Baikal, and Caspian seals are the most abundant and widely distributed of the Arctic phocids (Map 17).

Geographic Range Caspian seals are found exclusively in the Caspian Sea. (Full text)

Comment: Limits of Total Allowed Catch on white whales, killer whales, Grey’s white-sided dolphins, bottle-nosed dolphins, pilot whales, walruses and caspian seals are given for subsistent needs of small peoples of the (Full text)

Phoca caspica is found all over a year, but their number is changing. (Full text)

Besides the main groups mentioned, the Caspian Sea Phoca caspica is the only mammal in the Caspian Sea with a wide distribution throughout the entire Caspian Sea . (Full text)

* On the nothern shores of the Caspian, seals are dying once again. (Full text)

The Caspian seal is the smallest seal is native to the Caspian is classed as vulnerable by the international Union for the Conversation of Nature. (Full text)

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