Fresno kangaroo rat
Order : Rodentia
Suborder : Sciurognathi
Family : Heteromyidae
Subfamily : Dipodomyinae
Species : Dipodomys nitratoides
The Fresno kangaroo rat, san joaquin kangaroo rat is listed as Near Threatened (LR/nt), is close to qualifying for or is likely to qualify for a threatened category in the near future, on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species
Namings for the Fresno kangaroo rat
A young / baby of a Fresno kangaroo rat is called a 'kitten, nestling, pinkie or pup'. The females are called 'doe' and males 'buck'. A Fresno kangaroo rat group is called a 'colony, horde, pack, plague or swarm'.Countries
United StatesSome facts about the
Fresno kangaroo rat
Adult weight : 0.036 kg (0.0792 lbs)
Female maturity :88 days
Gestation : 34 days
Weaning : 27 days
Litter size : 2
Weight at birth : 0.003 kg (0.0066 lbs)
Weight at weaning : 0.02 kg (0.044 lbs)
Body mass : 0.038 kg (0.0836 lbs)
Facts about the Fresno kangaroo rat
Animal Description: The Fresno Kangaroo Rat is soft to the touch and has an adorable appearance.
Found only in Fresno County, California, Fresno Kangaroo Rats are endangered.
Fresno kangaroo rats are the smallest in size (and the smallest in the genus) and have snuff-brown pelage and darker facial markings.
Range and Population Dipodomys nitratoides is endemic to the San Joaquin Valley of California.
rodents) Category: Mammals » Rodents Animal Description: The Fresno Kangaroo Rat is soft to the touch and has an adorable .
The common name, Fresno kangaroo rat, is also applied to the species as a whole by some mammalogists, generating confusion.
The San Joaquin kit fox, and the Stephen's, Tipton, Giant, and Fresno Kangaroo rats are all listed as endangered at the federal level, in addition to their listing in CESA.
The tail of the Fresno Kangaroo Rat is rather long for its size; the color is black at the bottom and top.
USFWS Refuges on which the Fresno kangaroo rat is reported.
-- Fresno kangaroo rats are nocturnal and active year round. (Full text)
-- The Fresno kangaroo rat is one of three subspecies of the San Joaquin kangaroo rat. (Full text)
and California Endangered Life History Like all kangaroo rats, the Fresno kangaroo rat is adapted for survival in an arid (Full text)
The Fresno Kangaroo Rat is currently jeopardized by the threat of flooding from the San Joaquin River, the use of rodenticides to control pest species, and disease, as well as the continued degradation of its habitat. (Full text)
and California Endangered LIFE HISTORY Like all kangaroo rats, the Fresno kangaroo rat is adapted for survival in an arid environment. (Full text)
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