Hoolock gibbon
Order : Primates
Family : Hylobatidae
Species : Hylobates hoolock
Facts about the hoolock gibbon
Like all gibbon species, Hylobates hoolock is monogamous (Nowak, 1999).
Hoolock Gibbon (Hylobates hoolock) is the only ape found in India.
Hoolock Gibbon (Hylobates hoolock) is also in danger of extinction from
The hoolock (Hylobates hoolock) is the Indian subcontinent's only (Full text)
The Hoolock Gibbon is a tree dwelling ape found in North Eastern India. (Full text)
The second largest of the gibbons following the siamang, the Hoolock gibbon is characterized by its longer hair, curved white brow streaks, and faint triangular shaped head.
The hoolock gibbon is found in Burma. (Full text)
18: Nature's Beckon, an environmental activist group of the Northeast, has contested the claim of the Assam government that the hoolock gibbon is not an endangered species.
The hoolock gibbon is monogamous.
Though the hoolock gibbon is protected by the Indian law, what is required is strict enforcement of the legislation
India's endangered hoolock gibbon is now on the edge of extinction as its forest home vanishes and hunting takes a heavy toll.
India’s only ape species, the Hoolock Gibbon is found in the tropical monsoon jungles and rainforests of the north east. (Full text)
Range: Hoolock Gibbons are found in several states of North East India - Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Meghalaya, Tripura and Nagaland. (Full text)
Hoolock gibbons are known to swim well, but rarely do so and will go out of their way to avoid water (Roonwal and Mohnot, 1977).
Hoolock gibbons are now under serious threat from extensive deforestation
Hoolock gibbons are Indias only ape.
The SAD fact remains that , though hoolock gibbons are indigenous to Burma , no one has ever heard of any captive-breeding programme for them there .
Principal chief conservator of forests Sonadhar Doley had recently said hoolock gibbons are abundantly available in Assam and there is no need to raise a hue and cry for protecting it.
Species like Golden Cats, Golden Langurs and Hoolock Gibbons are endemic to Meghalaya.