Steppe pika

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Original source: Base map derived from File:BlankMap-World.png. Distribution data from IUCN Red List
Author: Chermundy

Steppe pika

Order : Lagomorpha
Family : Ochotonidae
Species : Ochotona pusilla


The Steppe pika is listed as Vulnerable (VU), considered to be facing a high risk of extinction in the wild, on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species

Kazakhstan and Russia
Steppe pika habitats
Grassland and Temperate Grassland
Some facts about the
Small pika

Adult weight : 0.263 kg (0.5786 lbs)

Female maturity :31 days

Gestation : 30 days

Weaning : 22 days

Litter size : 8

Litters per year : 3

Weight at birth : 0.009 kg (0.0198 lbs)

Source: AnAge, licensed under CC

Facts about the steppe pika

The find of a pika (Ochotona pusilla) is the most spectacular discovery

De vondst van de Fluithaas (Ochotona pusilla) is het meest spectaculair

Eurasian steppe pikas are sometimes found in large groups either representing colonies or clusters of families and individuals.

Steppe pikas are small mammals in the same family as rabbits. (Full text)

Eurasian steppe pikas are sometimes found in large groups either representing colonies or clusters of families and individuals. (Full text)

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