Original source: http://www.flickr.com/photos/24704473@N07/5618570539/
Author: Scott Hanko
Calamian deer
Order : Artiodactyla
Family : Cervidae
Subfamily : Cervinae
Species : Axis calamianensis
Which zoos have them?
Los Angeles Zoo (United States)The Calamanian deer, calamian deer, calamian hog deer, philippine deer is listed as Endangered (EN), considered to be facing a very high risk of extinction in the wild, on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species
Namings for the Calamian deer
A young / baby of a Calamian deer is called a 'fawn or ass'. The females are called 'doe, hind or cow' and males 'buck, stag or bull'. A Calamian deer group is called a 'herd'.Countries
Facts about the Calamian deer
The Calamian deer (Axis calamianensis) is found only in the Calamian Islands, where it survives in low densities on Busuanga, Calauit, and Culion Islands. (Full text)
The Calamian deer is known only from the Calamian Islands, which are located off the northern tip of Palawan, itself the westernmost island of the Philippines. (Full text)
Conservation Status The Calamian deer is classified as endangered by the IUCN (1996), with an estimated population of 900 animals. (Full text)
The Calamian Deer is a [CITIES-listed Endangered Species]
com "The Calamian deer is classified as endangered by the IUCN (1996), with an estimated population of 900 animals" Brief narrative about Calamian Deer; includes links to related sites (Full text)
The Calamian deer is also called the Calamian hog deer, Cerf-cochon Calamien, Ciervo de los Calamianes, Ciervo Porquerizo de los Calamianes and the Philippine deer.
The Calamian deer is also known as the hog deer. (Full text)
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