Genus Cynoglossus

Three-lined tongue sole - Cynoglossus abbreviatus, commonly known as the Three-lined tongue sole is a species of tonguefish.

Natal tongue-fish - Cynoglossus acaudatus, commonly known as the Natal tongue fish is a species of tonguefish.

Sharpnose tonguesole - Cynoglossus acutirostris, commonly known as the Sharpnose tongue sole is a species of tonguefish.

Largescale tonguesole - The eyed side of the fish is uniform brown, with a dark patch on the gill cover, and its blind side is white.


Fourline tonguesole - Cynoglossus attenuatus, commonly known as the Fourline tonguesole is a species of tonguefish.

Fourlined tonguesole - Cynoglossus bilineatus, commonly known as the Fourlined tonguesole is a species of tonguefish.


Southern tonguesole - Cynoglossus broadhursti, commonly known as the Southern tonguesole is a species of tonguefish.

Nigerian tonguesole - Cynoglossus browni, commonly known as the Nigerian tonguesole is a species of tonguefish.

Ghanian tonguesole - Cynoglossus cadenati, commonly known as the Ghanaian tonguesole is a species of tonguefish.

Canary tonguesole - Cynoglossus canariensis, commonly known as the Canary tonguesole is a species of tonguefish.

Hooked tonguesole - Cynoglossus carpenteri, commonly known as the Hooked tonguesole is a species of tonguefish.

Roundhead tonguesole - Cynoglossus dispar, commonly known as the Roundhead tonguesole is a species of tonguefish.

Carrot tonguesole - Cynoglossus dubius, commonly known as the Carrot tonguesole is a species of tonguefish.


Durban tonguesole - Cynoglossus durbanensis, commonly known as the Durban tonguesole is a species of tonguefish.


Ripplefin tonguesole - Cynoglossus gilchristi, commonly known as the Ripplefin tonguesole is a species of tonguefish.

Speckled tonguesole - Cynoglossus puncticeps, commonly known as the Speckled tonguesole is a species of tonguefish.


Cynoglossus suyeni - Cynoglossus suyeni is a species of tonguefish.

Order : Pleuronectiformes
Family : Cynoglossidae
Genus : Cynoglossus