Arnoglossus andrewsi
Arabian flounder
Arnoglossus armstrongi
Scald fish
Bass Strait flounder
Arnoglossus boops
Brown lefteye flounder
Cape scaldfish
East coast flounder
Weak lefteye flounder
Long lefteye flounder
Fison's lefteye flounder
Arnoglossus grohmanni
Imperial scaldfish
Japanese lefteye flounder
Largecrested flounder
Arnoglossus marisrubri
Arnoglossus micrommatus
Mueller's flounder
Arnoglossus multirastris
Arnoglossus nigrifrons
Sharp-snout lefteye flounder
Many-spotted lefteye flounder
Arnoglossus sayaensis
Megrim - The witch, Arnoglossus scapha, is a lefteye flounder of the family Bothidae, found around China and New Zealand, in waters less than 400 m in depth.
Arnoglossus septemventralis
Dwarf lefteye flounder
Thor's scaldfish
Waite's lefteye flounder
Arnoglossus yamanakai