Red giant flying squirrel

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Author: Prashanthns

Red giant flying squirrel

Order : Rodentia
Suborder : Sciurognathi
Family : Sciuridae
Subfamily : Pteromyinae
Species : Petaurista petaurista


The Red giant flying squirrel is listed as Least Concern (LR/lc), lowest risk. Does not qualify for a more at risk category. Widespread and abundant taxa are included in this category, on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species

Namings for the red giant flying squirrel
A young / baby of a red giant flying squirrel is called a 'pup, kit or kitten'. The females are called 'doe' and males 'buck'. A red giant flying squirrel group is called a 'dray or scurry'.
Some facts about the
Red giant flying squirrel

Adult weight : 1.75 kg (3.85 lbs)

Weaning : 68 days

Litter size : 1

Source: AnAge, licensed under CC

Facts about the red giant flying squirrel

Petaurista petaurista is characterized by its large eyes and mahogany-red coloring, though coloration varies with environment.

Flying squirrel Petaurista petaurista is also present but Himalayan musk deer Moschus chrysogaster, reported by local people to have existed in the past, may now be locally extinct (Green, 1981).

html COUNTRYIndia - Himachal Pradesh: Flying squirrel Petaurista petaurista is also present but Himalayan musk deer Moschus chrysogaster, reported by local people to have existed in the past, may .

The taguan (Petaurista petaurista) is giant flying squirrel.

A creature like a giant flying squirrel or a colugo that can glide more than 100m with almost no loss in altitude has little need to fly in a rainforest (the giant flying squirrel I saw in Borneo, at the Danum Valley Research Centre in Sabah, apparently made nightly glides across a fairly large river from its day roost into the forest - quite a thing to see in the lat afternoon, especially as this species (Petaurista petaurista) is (Full text)

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